Example sentences of "which [verb] [be] [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 Three sets were made , one of which has been bequeathed to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York .
2 In a number of his soft-ground etchings one can discern the actual texture of the paper the original drawing was made on , which has been transferred to the plate by the pressure of the pencil in the larger tonal areas .
3 Auriga has lost its former Gamma , or Al Nath , which has been transferred to the Bull as Beta Tauri .
4 In the last mentioned case the delivery order transferred by the buyers to the sub-purchaser was the same document as that which has been transferred to the buyers by the sellers .
5 Is he further aware that he is out of date about the commercial interest in thin slab production at Ravenscraig , which has been communicated to the Secretary of State for Scotland but not , apparently , to the Department of Trade and Industry ?
6 ‘ It is a matter of policy that we do not comment on any private correspondence which has been sent to the national secretary . ’
7 The investment property was valued at open market value during the year by the directors , resulting in a surplus of £4,000 which has been credited to the revaluation reserve .
8 Section 86 provides that section 82 also applies to information which has been supplied to the Bank of England for the purpose of its functions under the Act by a relevant supervisory authority in a foreign country .
9 Reasons of security lie behind the decision and only a few works will not be staying , including a handful of objects and paintings belonging to the artist himself and the painting ‘ Montroig , the church and the people ’ ( 1919 ) which has been promised to the Fondació Joan Miró in Barcelona .
10 Also on view is an exhibition of railway photographs entitled ‘ The Trained Eye ’ which has been loaned to The Railway Age by the National Railway Museum .
11 When comparing two probes , one of which has been hybridised to the complete library and the other to a subset , the distance is calculated just using the clones in the subset , as the other clones provide no information about this particular comparison .
12 The motion which has been put to the clubs , and backed by an emotive letter from the president , will be proposed by senior life member Ken Harris .
13 Thank you for your letter of 29 May to Mr Giles Lewis , which has been passed to the Electronic Department for action .
14 POLICE investigating the 1974 Birmingham pub bombings have uncovered sensational new evidence which has been passed to the Director of Public Prosecutions .
15 If the Business has an undisclosed liability which has been passed to the Purchaser , the Vendor should be required to pay over at least the amount of the undisclosed liability .
16 A spokeswoman for Mr Friel said : ‘ In the light of certain information which has been passed to the Crown Office , the case is being looked into .
17 A more problematic infection which has been attributed to the Russians was the spread of syphilis , especially among the Nenets Samoeds .
18 The chief reason is the Communauté Financière Africaine ( CFA ) franc , a currency shared by 13 French-speaking African countries , which has been pegged to the French franc , without being devalued , for an impressive 45 years .
19 The Silver Reed SK830 plus EC1 Pattern Controller we asked you to compete for , is the new fine gauge electronic machine which has been added to the range and it has a retail price ticket of almost £1,000 !
20 This testimonial was given by Edmund Halley [ q.v. ] in a letter written ‘ By the command of the Royal Society ’ in 1693 : ‘ I have , by Order of the Royal Society seen and examined the method used by Mr John Marshall , for grinding glasses , and find that he performs the said work with greater ease and certainty , than hitherto has been practised , by means of an invention , which I take to be his own , and new , and whereby he is enabled to make a great number of Optick-Glasses , at one time , and all exactly alike , which having been reported to the Royal Society , they were pleased to approve thereof , as an Invention of Great Use , and Highly to deserve Incouragement . ’
21 Jane was horrified when Erwin drove up in a Land Rover which had been given to the charity by a large company , and which he had appropriated .
22 He also broke an undertaking which had been given to the court in his name .
23 The report focused on a United States pharmaceutical company , Velsicol Chemical Corporation , which had been exporting to the Third World large quantities of chlordane and heptachlor , " two of the most highly toxic persistent and bio-accumulative insecticides ever made " according to the report .
24 The last he had heard she had returned to Ponten VI — the planet which had been ceded to the Guild of Adjudicators in perpetuity by a wary but appreciative Earth Central — but that was too far away for anything but the so-called pigeon post ; recorded messages dumped into a hyperdrone and aimed at the recipient 's projected location .
25 It also needed to collect the cases which had been referred to the consultancy service .
26 The glittering green Christmas decorations which had been Sellotaped to the ceiling and walls swayed crazily as if the whole office block was tilting .
27 The ancient payments of Peter 's Pence , which had been granted to the popes by early monarchs , were received from England , the Scandinavian kingdoms and Poland .
28 He 'd thought that it was just the calendar which had been turned to the correct month , but something else had been changed too .
29 There were no speeches , but just before Robin Tavistock cut his birthday cake , which had been moved to the middle of the gallery , the Hon.
30 The defendants were bailees of barley belonging to X which had been pledged to the Y Bank by means of warehouse receipts .
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