Example sentences of "which [verb] [pron] [adj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps it was that which made her avid for the things that money could buy .
2 Perhaps it was that which made her attractive to a certain type of man .
3 They were situated in positions which made them visible from the pests on each side .
4 However , this effect may not last , and long-term follow-up is useful to ensure that the patient does not lapse into those unhealthy ways which made him unwell in the first place .
5 William Thaw , the first to get a commission , had owned a hydroplane while still at Yale , which made him acceptable as a French bomber pilot .
6 I tried to become one with nature on the games-field , which made me unpopular with the enthusiastic cricketers .
7 Mrs Castle , as it turned out , had opposed this allowance , again on the characteristically doctrinaire grounds that an allowance which made it necessary for the disabled to purchase motor cars would place them at the mercy of the commercial interests of motor manufacturers .
8 Nathan waited patiently for the remissions which made it possible for the ruined mind to function for a time ; he sat by the sick man , who by now was almost blind ; the paralysis was , after all , general .
9 For the first time she was grateful for Matilda 's notorious temper , which made it impossible for the Empress to keep her voice down .
10 The party has abandoned policies which made it unelectable in the 1980s .
11 While the bidding for contracts may nominally be through international competitive bidding arrangements between suppliers and members of a government , the award may in practice be carried out in ways which make it impossible for the Bank and other donors to police it .
12 Our basic newsletter format is complete but lacks any real identity so the next phase is to add the little touches which make it distinguishable from the crowd .
13 The features which characterize UDC and which make it appropriate for the applications discussed above are :
14 This is not only expressed through direct welfare , housing and educational provision to families which helps to ensure an adequate supply of suitable labour , but also in the reproduction of wider ideologies of popular consent which make it difficult for the rule to see the possibility of any other form of economic and political organization .
15 In addition to romantic flowers , this rose has dark foliage , purplish stems and few thorns , which make it ideal for a house front .
16 One winter afternoon , while they were rehearsing , something happened which stunned everyone involved in the play .
17 The sun on our backs and bright crystals biting into our feet , the printed pain of a sharp finger edge cutting across the joyful soft warmth of the wind ; the loving immediacy of experience which hurls us free from the containment of assessment , order and code .
18 Proposals made by way of change to a deposit copy have a relatively stronger affect against emergence , owing to the lesser public consultation which attends them prior to the enquiry stage .
19 The blubber which keeps them warm in the water acts as an overly-effective insulator on land , and they can literally cook in their own fat if they are not kept cool .
20 It is this general systematic approach which keeps it distinct from the application areas of computing .
21 Two minutes later Leota was seen at his exciting best when he made a midfield break from 45 yards which took him clean through the Rovers defence , and when Taewa scored his second try in the 72nd minute Rovers looked to be subsiding fast .
22 Don Cameron was Head of Talks , and I was usually in charge of his visit , which kept me busy for the few days he would be with us , twice a year .
23 Madame Mattli might be a stickler for detail , with a generous helping of the artistic temperament which kept her tight-coiled as a spring and which would explode into frenzy if the smallest detail was not as it should be , but she also had a kind face and deep perceptive eyes .
24 Our barrack room was warm and we had a stove in the middle which kept us warm in the night .
25 The lower Cetina flows in a narrow , steep-sided gorge between bare mountains rising to heights of over 1,000 m ( 3,280 ft ) which render it useless as a line of communication into the interior .
26 When have they ever had a reasonable pay deal which puts them level with the private sector ?
27 SCOTLAND will bid to lift their third Triple Crown in nine years when they travel to Twickenham on Saturday week with the same line-up which did them proud in the 20-0 victory over Wales .
28 The realisation that this is a racist society , a society which wishes them dead for the colour of their skin , accentuates their loneliness , and their isolation in turn makes it harder for them to fight against racism .
29 Slowly , carefully , he pushed her away from him , flicking his lazy dark eyes over her nakedness before reaching to pull her swimsuit back up again , smoothing it over her body with a practised skill which left her weak at the knees all over again .
30 It was an experience which left her impatient with the insularity of London 's early hip hop scene .
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