Example sentences of "which [noun] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 BMW is n't saying which part of the new range will sell best ( the smart money is on the 318i ) .
2 Gloucester 's position as sole surviving brother of the king , coupled with his outstanding record of service to the crown , would have made it impossible to pass him over , even in a society aware of the dangers which guardianship by a paternal uncle posed to the interests of the heir .
3 Gloucester 's position as sole surviving brother of the king , coupled with his outstanding record of service to the crown , would have made it impossible to pass him over , even in a society aware of the dangers which guardianship by a paternal uncle posed to the interests of the heir .
4 Finally , in order to determine which region(s) of the nucleocapsid protein are important for the interactions with DNA , NCp7 mutants lacking either one or both zinc fingers and/or one or two of the three regions of basic residues ( 6 ) were tested for their ability to bind to and protect DNAs from endonuclease digestion and dephosphorylation and their ability to stimulate cDNA synthesis .
5 Given that the implications are so profound , however , there is an urgent need to consider ways in which data from the 1991 census and vital registration can be linked in more illuminating ways so as to examine the phenomenon of the unoccupied in more depth .
6 They sweep aside the qualifications and reservations which monetarists of the old school would occasionally express .
7 So , far from it being appropriate to assimilate inner perception to outer perception , as Locke does , we must acknowledge that mental phenomena are ‘ the only phenomena of which perception in the strict sense of the word is possible ’ .
8 We briefly describe a number of variations on this idea below , However , while such techniques can be used effectively when programming in an assembler language , it is much more difficult for a compiler to recognize which constructions in a high-level language call for their use .
9 What worried him most , apart from the meretricious glitter of the whole charade , was the erosion of the proper role of Cabinet Ministers , both in relation to their own departments and in their right to be fully consulted on matters of collective responsibility ; the Prime Minister 's indifference to the processes and opinions of the House of Commons , provided a majority would sustain him in office ; and the disarray and poor morale which coalition under a dynamic chief of another party was creating in the headquarters and local organizations of the Conservative Party .
10 These were factors of telling importance as the army sought to fight a war which would rely on its mobility to achieve success , a war in which confrontation on a large scale would be avoided .
11 The numbers in which cameos of the Classical period have come down to us is one testimony to the regard they have inspired in men of ensuing ages .
12 Moderator I , one two eight six , I wondered whether a word from south of the border might be in order because in recent years in the Church of England we 've been busy discussing the theological foundations and the practical discipline in respect of several matters which fall under the general heading of Christian initiation and indeed we have been experimenting a bit here and there .
13 In those years , too , ‘ special supplements ’ became common among national dailies , in which articles about the special subject sat side by side with advertising matter .
14 It is recognised that there is a view of Religious Education in which educational principles will take precedence in deciding the appropriateness of the content to be studied over that which adherents to a particular faith tradition may consider essential and appropriate .
15 Yeah I 've learnt a lot basically , I 've learnt erm erm basically what sort of organization that is and those other ones I could mention as well which run along the same sort of lines erm I 've learnt to look after myself
16 His appointment illustrated the importance which management of the agricultural sector had assumed after the publication of the Landell Mills report [ see below ] and the allegations of mismanagement made against the Caribbean Sea Island Cotton Company ( Cariscot ) , in which the government had a 33 per cent holding .
17 Manuel Salgado , the interim president of the Ecuadorian Congress , currently visiting Cuba , stated that it showed that " US governing circles have not modified in the least their imperial policies , which dream of a unipolar world rooted in subjugation and slavery " .
18 Which maxims of the co-operative principle are being flouted in the following , and why ?
19 The aim of the research was to see in which areas of the financial world the firm 's services were most needed .
20 Specific attention is given to the manner in which engineers as an occupational group are able to influence the outcomes of the introduction of new technology at work-place level .
21 In view of the level at which responsibility for parents and the community was allocated , the pace at which action was taken , the apparently arbitrary way in which membership of the working party was decided and the omission from its membership of key figures in the area of home-school links , it must be assumed that the formulation of an LEA policy in this area was a matter to which the Authority attached a rather low priority during this period .
22 In fact , if — 4.6 billion years ago — one had to place a bet on which planet in the Solar System would sustain life , one would have been best advised to put money on one of the gas giants .
23 Referring , then , to the original simple democracy , it affords the true data from which governments on a large scale can begin .
24 It would be nice , then , if there was some feature of the black hole by which observers outside the black hole could tell its entropy , and which would increase whenever matter carrying entropy fell into the black hole .
25 I wonder if we could move now move over to the first which is on er the first main resolution of which amendment to the other resolution .
26 The vulnerability of democracy was sharply illustrated by the failed coup d'état of February 1981 , in which detachments of the civil guard , acting as the stalking horse for plotters in the armed forces , took control of Congress and held members of parliament hostage .
27 Philippa Russell draws attention , however , to the higher-than-average need for supportive services which families with a handicapped child have .
28 This is related to the angle of subduction and the depth at which melting of the subducted lithosphere becomes significant .
29 The overriding sexual prohibitions of primal hunting societies , expressed today in the complex marriage-rules , kinship-systems and incest-prohibitions of aboriginal peoples , attests to the fundamental necessity of containing the mutual sexual antagonism of males in societies where social cooperation has become the fundamental basis of culture and in which internalization of the collective superego effects this more efficiently than external coercion .
30 We should acknowledge at the outset that there may be many cases ( like that illustrated in Fig. 3.1 ) in which presentation of a given stimulus has been shown to result in both latent inhibition and the habituation of a UR .
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