Example sentences of "which [noun] [be] [verb] as the " in BNC.

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1 It was indeed the attacks in Cartwright 's books which Hooker was to take as the starting point for his defence of the Church .
2 As an alternative , Cannon proposed a centralist theory in which emotion was seen as the result of activating specific mechanisms in the central nervous system .
3 This was consistent with the philosophy of local government , in which owner-occupation was seen as the most efficient way of stabilising a neighbourhood .
4 It is an asymmetric measure , just like d : the slope depends on which variable is treated as the response variable , just as d depends on which way the percentages have been run ; exercise 10.2 has been set to illustrate this .
5 ends with Chronicles II on a positive note in which Cyrus is seen as the saviour of the Jews who restored their inheritance in Judah while the last the prophetical books , Malachi , in the Catholic Bible finishes looking forward to Elijah 's coming at the Lord 's advent .
6 He argues ‘ though God exists totally outside of culture , while humans exist totally within culture , God chooses the cultural milieu in which humans are immersed as the arena for his interaction with people ’ ( Kraft 1979:114 ) .
7 Traditional wisdom bases ‘ a good diet ’ around the consumption of three meals a day of which breakfast is seen as the most important .
8 In Women , Power and Politics part of our argument was that legislation is not enough to establish a gender order in which women are seen as the equals of men .
9 In some operations , such as the logical operations , add and multiplication of equal-length operands , it is irrelevant which operand is considered as the first .
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