Example sentences of "or other [noun pl] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Special emoluments or other benefits paid at the time of the transaction ;
2 In culture , the cells are not exposed to the factors that cells in the spleen or marrow might secrete or other factors circulating in the blood .
3 The Marne camp pointed out that it would be ridiculous to include every hectare of the ancient province for purely historical reasons with no consideration for soil , aspect or other factors contributing to the quality of wine .
4 It is important to ensure that the boxes or other containers conform to the requirements of the shipping agent ( e.g. IATA regulations for air and British Rail regulations ) .
5 Such cells were able to maintain their preference when the heads were inverted or other difficulties placed in the way of recognition , and one would much like to know about the computational principles and physiological mechanisms that performed the task .
6 The American authorities appoint as commissioners persons from the United States itself , or American consuls , or judicial authorities or other persons residing in the requested State .
7 The one exception , provided for the benefit of the seller in these clauses , is where the infringement is caused because of a design , specification or other instructions supplied by the buyer for the seller to work to .
8 There must also be no opportunity for anyone to claim that you have been given , or are giving , preferential treatment which puts you or others at an advantage , for example , over other organisations who may be tendering for the same work or other colleagues working for the organisation .
9 The Banking Department will thus have to acquire more notes from the Issue Department , which will simply print more in exchange for extra government or other securities supplied by the Banking Department .
10 The panel could provide a forum for both shareholders and auditors to air concerns that might arise in relation to audit appointments and corporate governance or other issues arising from the audit .
11 The consequence was that , when the value of the dollar against the dinar or other currencies changed during the year , the reported values of trade in dollars did not correspond to their values at the time of entry or exit from Yugoslavia .
12 The goods are not related to the cash , camera , jewellery or other items stolen from the two women when they were killed .
13 ( 3 ) Regulated agreements which are not caught by Pt V of CCA 1974 as laid out in s74 of CCA 1974 , for example non-commercial agreements , or small agreements ( s17(1) ) , or running-account credit such as bank overdrafts or other overdrafts exempted by the Director if this is not against the interests of the debtor .
14 If you would like to know more about these or other courses run by the University , please write in the first instance to the Editor at the address on page 3 .
15 Councillor Matheson also asked if any social workers presently in the employ of Orkney Islands Council had at any time in their careers , attended conferences , seminars or other courses organised by the Reachout Trust ?
16 In Brussels yesterday NATO sources said the alliance had completed plans to enforce a no-fly zone over Bosnia , with the United Nations expected to approve the use of allied fighters this week to shoot down Serb or other planes flying over the republic .
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