Example sentences of "or at [adv] the [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the star of the show , or at least the back seat of Armstrong , was Simon the Stripping Sexton .
2 In ages past , the land must have been continuous , or at least the sea passage but a short one .
3 So to New York , where the world of women 's tennis met for the Virginia Slims Championships to a background of political ferment , following my disclosure in The Daily Telegraph , that , like the men three years earlier , the women — or at least the WTA board — felt they were also ready to declare UDI .
4 Although the US , or at least the State Department , ‘ frankly [ had ] no solution of problem to suggest ’ it was obvious that the US was at this stage hoping for a negotiated settlement , a settlement in which their further hope was that France would find it possible to be more than generous .
5 Motor racing , or at least the back-up crews behind the competing teams , was traditionally male-dominated , and Kate was an eye-catching exception .
6 A final ingredient to throw into the church planting pot was a clearer link kept with the Cobham Fellowship or at least the Pioneer Leadership Team .
7 Very , very little really , erm we had contact with other Authorities of course , in the course , in erm er particularly in connection with evacuation , erm evacuation took up erm quite a lot of staff and , and time at that er particularly initially because erm Suffolk was in a peculiar position or at least the East Suffolk was , erm at the beginning of the war of course erm East Suffolk was an evacuation , er was erm a reception area
8 This is consistent with the idea that DNA binding and therefore transactivation by Myc requires association with Max ( either Max1 or Max2 ) or at least the Max bHLH-Z domain ( Max85 ; Figs 1 and 2 a ) .
9 China , or at least the Nationalist government , like a great ship going down , had taken many hopes and illusions with it .
10 Writing was a sign of the Fall , it was a kind of punishment ; Dolle was still living in the Garden of Eden or at least the Sugar Bar .
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