Example sentences of "or at [adj] time [subord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The court can give directions relating to medical or psychiatric examination or any other kind of assessment when making an interim order or at any time while an order is in force ( s38(6) ) .
2 An application can be made in the original care proceedings or at any time while the child remains in care although there is a prohibition on repeat applications without leave within a six-month period ( s91(17) and see below ) .
3 You have supplied the current module password , either now or at any time since the password was last changed , or the module has no password .
4 has supplied the current module password , either now or at any time since the password was last changed , or the module has no password .
5 has supplied the current module password , either now or at any time since the password was last changed , or the module has no password .
6 has supplied the current module password , either now or at any time since the password was last changed , or the module has no password .
7 The Panel will not normally grant its consent where the partial offer is for 30 per cent or more in circumstances where the offeror or its concert parties have acquired , selectively or in significant numbers , shares in the target during the previous 12 months ( or at any time after the offer was reasonably in contemplation ) ( Rule 36.2 ) .
8 A partial offer may , with the consent of the Panel , be made for 30 per cent or more ( but less than 100 per cent ) of the target 's voting rights provided the offeror and its concert parties have not acquired , selectively or in significant numbers , shares in the target during the previous 12 months , or at any time after the partial offer was reasonably in contemplation .
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