Example sentences of "as [adj] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On January 10th this year , I went as usual to turn on the aquarium lights when I noticed a female Shanny — now a light beige colour with a very bright green patch on the top of her head — inside the male 's cave , laying eggs on the underside of a flat rock , next to the existing eggs .
2 But Diana has refused a personal invitation from the Queen to the church service and Christmas lunch — a clear signal that she wants as little as possible to do with the rest of the royals .
3 Like their ancestors , the Mennonites still shunned buttons and pockets , relying on hooks and eyes ; they refused cars and engines , preferring horsepower ; the Mennonites nevertheless reclaimed land from the river and sea , regulated the flood planes and wanted as little as possible to do with the evils of the outside world .
4 Write the letters of CHRISTMAS down on a sheet of paper , then try to think of as many things as possible to do with the Christmas season which begin with each of the letters .
5 That is why , in the defence estimates debate on 14 October 1991 , my hon. Friend the Member for Clackmannan ( Mr. O'Neill ) said : ’ We should be careful to preserve the opportunity for as many of our civilians as possible to serve in the volunteer forces . ’
6 5.4.1 To repair the Premises and keep them in repair excepting damage caused by structural or inherent defects or by an Insured Risk other than where the insurance money is irrecoverable in consequence of any act or default of the Tenant or anyone at the Premises expressly or by implication with the Tenant 's authority ( but only while under the Tenant 's control and in the course of employment ) Provided that where the insurance money is not wholly irrecoverable such sums as are recoverable shall be made available as soon as possible to apply to the repair of the Premises
7 The tunnel is designed as far as possible to stay within the chalk marl but the alignment is constrained by the geometric requirements of a high speed railway including a minimum horizontal curvature of 4,200m and a maximum gradient of just under 1% .
8 But in the beginning you should make it as easy as possible to get into the habit without excuses getting in the way .
9 On the basis of the present issue of statements this would mean that about two per cent of the child population are judged as likely to fall outside the provision of the 1988 Act .
10 This kind of administrative structure may be regarded as likely to lead to the implementation of policies that are at variance with those favoured by elected local councils .
11 A previous review recommended a cut in Strathclyde 's parliamentary entitlement from by one seat to 32 , and the subsequent publication of detailed proposals for Strathclyde indicated plans to reduce the number of parliamentary constituencies in Glasgow by one — a move widely interpreted as likely to lead to the loss of Labour seats .
12 The move was seen as likely to correspond with the introduction of a currency union between the two countries .
13 11.1 During the continuance of this Agreement the Proprietor shall not without the consent in writing of the Publisher prepare or edit for any other publisher any work that is an expansion abridgement or revision of the Work or of any part of it or publish or cause to be published any work on the same subject which may reasonably be regarded as likely to conflict with the sale of the Work .
14 4 DURING THE CONTINUANCE of the Publishing Agreement , neither of the Authors shall without the consent in writing of the Publisher prepare or edit for any other publisher any work that is an expansion , abridgement or revision of the Work or of part of it ; or publish or cause to be published any work on the same subject which may reasonably be regarded as likely to conflict with the sale of the Work .
15 11.1 During the continuance of this Agreement the Company shall not without the consent in writing of the Publisher prepare or edit for any other publisher any work that is an expansion abridgement or revision of the Work or of any part of it or publish or cause to be published any work on the same subject which may reasonably be regarded as likely to conflict with the sale of the Work .
16 And for because they see not in the church the shining pompe and pleasant variety ( as they thought it ) of painted clothes , candlesticks , images , altars , lampes , tapers , they say , as good to go into the barne .
17 They looked as solid as reasonable to expect in the circumstances … the midfield were looking to get forward , and being caught on the break is fair enough when chasing a cup tie … and Goodman is one of the better players around … suprisingly fast .
18 It is perhaps as well to remember at the outset that the main injury in this particular case was a hip injury which , if it had occurred to a younger man , would have produced an arthrodesis operation .
19 In the imperial affair the first person to act on behalf of the pope was Monaco de Villa , a Milanese , who had been appointed by Otto as plenipotentiary to deal with the pope .
20 The heroism portrayed as necessary to triumph over the slave trade drew upon a sense of working in harmony with fellow reformers , fired in part by an ideologically convergent commitment and of acting upon that commitment in similar ways .
21 But I think it is reasonable as well as constructive to allude to the possibility that the human spirit is indeed evolving , that we are gradually ‘ widening the circle of compassion ’ , moving away from the narrower , more self-interested , more aggressive forms of social organisation to embrace the concept of one world in which we do indeed see ourselves as members of one human family .
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