Example sentences of "as [noun prp] [verb] [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As Lisa laid down the phone her hand was shaking .
2 The voices above stopped arguing , as Cardiff slid down the rail , exhausted and gasping for breath .
3 The squealing stopped as Anders plucked out the carrot .
4 She did not leave as Corbett took up the pewter spoon and began to eat .
5 She heard the rattle of the curtain rings as the blackouts were pulled across , and then the click of the switch on the standard lamp as Bella put on the light .
6 I see him as a sort of spiritual descendant of Norman Mailer , just as Mailer took on the mantle of Lawrence — in fact I wrote an essay on that very subject in my last term at school .
7 As Molly put down the telephone , she saw Jacqueline , her mouth full of dough , staring at her with the large , accusing eyes of an Oxfam poster .
8 He steeled himself as Epitot drew back the sheet .
9 The gods were on Leeds side as Deane pushed home the winner from a goal mouth scramble , with little time left in the game .
10 As Ace manoeuvred down the flank of the shuttle , letting her gauntlets scrape against the weld-seams and pock-marks in order to slow her drift towards the base of the craft , she saw that the Dalek Killer was using his weapon to cut through the metallic material of the surface on which he 'd parked .
11 As Matthew drew out the chair and waited for her to sit down , Donna said suddenly , ‘ My God !
12 He looked round uneasily as Martin put down the phone and said that he had to go .
13 ‘ Oh , have you not ? ’ snapped the other , coming hastily forward to confront her as Theda came down the rest of the stairs .
14 As Meryl held out the plate of petits-fours laughingly to Lee , she knew that someone was standing by her shoulder .
15 The other rabbits were beginning to reach the hedge as Bigwig hopped down the bank and crouched on the verge of the road .
16 As Blanche snatched up the telephone and listened to the reassuring hum of the dialling tone , she caught sight of herself in the mirror on the wall : the shimmer of sweat on her forehead , eyes wild , face haggard and pale , hair stormy and unkempt , knuckles bruised and sore .
17 Silk moved again , outflanked a control console , nestling down beside it as Delaney took over the lead .
18 When Escalus cross-examines him , this is done in prose , as befits his true status ( 260ff. ) , and when Angelo invites Lucio to state what he can witness against the Friar-Duke , the medium drops to prose for all four speakers ( 327–33 ) , to be catapulted back to verse as Lucio pulls off the hood and reveals the Duke 's identity .
19 The later , more sophisticated theories tended to view the question of salvation not so much as God winning back the world from the Evil One and reconciling humanity in himself , but in terms of a legal arrangement entered into by God and man because of the perfect death of the sacrificial Lamb : God the lawgiver lets off sinners , as it were , because of Christ 's substitution .
20 Ruth tucked up her skirts and clenched her teeth , and as Alfred called out the beat she pushed hard against the slippery wall , and was relieved and delighted to feel the barge moving .
21 As Cleo hurried down the alley , she was aware of furtive whisperings in the shadows , the grate of metal , panting breath , and once the sound of bare flesh being slapped .
22 Introduced , Sophie listened with interest as George explained how the monkey had probably hurt his arm .
23 As Keith switched off the video recorder , she said , ‘ You 've got a picture of Liam Shakespeare , have n't you ? ’
24 I muttered under my breath as Taff pulled out the cork and commenced pouring the wine into the two mugs .
25 As Myeloski switched on the light , he had caught a glimpse of Louise Taylor before she disappeared under the cover .
26 Steve sprawled on to the pavement as Grimwood hurried down the hall .
27 As Betty summed up the situation : ‘ It is just the two of us at home alone .
28 ‘ But what ? ’ wailed Holly , as Ruby floated down the room and out of sight on her way to the street .
29 She watched him carefully as Wakelate brought in the brandy and poured out a generous measure .
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