Example sentences of "as [be] [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When looking at how to develop and improve the management of its electronic information resources , a local authority needs to ensure that the same questions are asked about the electronic environment as are asked about the traditional ubiquitous paper record .
2 When attempts are then made to intervene at this latter level , they often use the same procedures as are applied to the public realm .
3 By 1986 there were estimated to be about half as many people in informal work as are employed in the formal sector .
4 A further reason why such dichotomies as are embodied in the quantitative–qualitative distinction should not be allowed to dominate our thinking is that they tend to obscure the sheer and sometimes bewildering variety of materials that can qualify as data .
5 Due to the way the data is stored , the dimensioning on the drawing usually creates between two and three times as many entities as are used in the original model .
6 Most of these reprints will have been requested by the prospective user , and others will have been sent by authors who recognise that user as being involved within the same specialism , and so such higher use is not unexpected .
7 The 5th generation — Expert Systems — must be seen as being applied to the first four generations of Maintenance but at the same time trying to integrate them as well .
8 Reasons for organising an individual exhibition will vary from artist , as well as being influenced by the different stages of an artist 's career .
9 Recently , just before I woke up , I had an insight that I perceived as being connected with the Celtic tradition ; I ‘ saw ’ that animal sacrifice in Celtic mythology was a way of buying interaction with the world of spirits , the souls of the animals being the currency used .
10 As well as being related to the high class Opera House , Colorspin and Bella Colora , Highland Dress won a maiden at Newbury last month in a manner which suggested that further improvement will be forthcoming .
11 Julia Kristeva and Gilles Deleuze both reject the Aristotelian logic of the excluded middle which they see as being based on the subject-predicate structure of the sentence .
12 On the other hand , it could be argued that if it is considered necessary to make an adoption order with a condition of access , then this may be seen as being imposed on the two or three parties and possibly of little value .
13 Or did it regard ‘ conduct ’ , used in the legislation , as being qualified in the same way as ’ misconduct ‘ in Creffield 's contract of employment ?
14 The five CMHTs varied greatly in their precise method of operation and these variations were hotly debated among themselves at times , but they all engaged in service development and came to see the generation of personal treatment plans as a prelude to service development rather than as being constrained by the existing service stock .
15 Thirdly , and most importantly for our purposes , the natural-entity theory overcame the problems of the artificiality in the case of large companies of analysing the directors ' managerial power as being derived from the contractual agreement of the shareholders .
16 Reid suggested that the CYPA had ‘ led to truancy being considered as a symptom of distress which is seen as being allied to the social and educational problems of the individual child ’ .
17 As important as being insured for the correct amount is the knowledge that you are insured with a company which will deal with your claim fairly and efficiently .
18 We have talked about the experience of anxiety symptoms as being initiated by the sudden or gradual build-up of stress .
19 He describes it as being initiated by the Burgundian king 's brother , Godegisel , who made secret overtures to Clovis , persuaded him to invade Burgundy , and then joined him on the battlefield .
20 Additionally dancing , yoga , keep-fit-to-music and relaxation classes are readily available through most local authorities as well as being offered by the many specialist bodies listed in both the Health and Leisure Activities chapters .
21 There has always been a temptation to regard the successive recommitments to the central political purpose of the Community as being confined to the small print , to be accepted only through gritted teeth and only on our terms .
22 Increasingly in Britain statutory services are seen as being used as the last resort in the care of older people ; the care of older people is being placed firmly within the domain of the family and the informal sector .
23 The extreme rationalist sees the decisions and choices of scientists as being guided by the universal criterion .
24 Its internal organization , hierarchies , and values struck Melvyn Bragg , who joined the Corporation from Oxford in 1961 , as being modelled on the public school system :
25 A draft foreign investment law was reported as being considered by the National Assembly , which , if passed , would allow joint ventures , 100 per cent foreign-owned ventures and contract joint ventures .
26 The result was that a constituent of mine — and no doubt many hundreds of others who have just been referred to by the Minister as being included in the 1,200 people who received grants — was short changed and not given the full amount .
27 The three appeal judges considered this issue at length and , again , all affirmed Justice Morling 's decision that the advertisement was rightfully to be considered as being published for the commercial gain of the tobacco industry .
28 In our poorer ‘ black ’ communities the killing continues and as many people are killed every week as were killed in the recent Los Angeles riots .
29 A putative theory of science based only on description would be open to some of the same objections as were levelled against the naive inductivist account of how scientific theories themselves are arrived at .
30 And , even amid its licensed disorderly streets , ceremonial and ritual can hold sway — as is displayed by the stately procession through the teeming revellers of a stoop-kneed , silk-swathed geisha and her entourage .
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