Example sentences of "as [pron] had [adv] [been] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This demonstrated that I was not yet a legionnaire as I had not been awarded my white képi , and as such was still an ‘ engagé volontaire ’ or recruit ; it went on to say that I had one month 's service in the Legion , and that I was part of the Squadron commanded by Capitaine Duransoy , in the section of Sergeant Major Barlerin of the 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment .
2 As I had n't been invited to that , I had to conclude that I was there to work , wearing my professional hat .
3 As I had already been rock-climbing I decided it was time to take part in the activity which I had been looking forward to , canoeing !
4 I was interested last year to see Tim Jonke 's article and his method of spraying acrylic paint over oil paint , as I had always been led to believe that acrylic would no take on top of oil paint .
5 I was interested last year to see Tim Jonke 's article and his method of spraying acrylic paint over oil paint , as I had always been led to believe that acrylic would no take on top of oil paint .
6 She was particularly glad to see him as she had just been told she was pregnant .
7 She sent him a memo — the usual form of royal communication — but he replied negatively , arguing that it was n't possible as she had only been doing the job for a short time .
8 Had it been left at that , as she had originally been built , the Angelina , a typical example of the Tehandiri class , would not only have been striking but downright handsome .
9 A survey last year showed that a frightening proportion of child car seats would not do their job properly as they had n't been fitted correctly .
10 But the German church now supported the rival Alexander , as they had not been consulted over the appointment of Paschal .
11 Perhaps the rat toothed forceps used in the present case contributed to the onset of pancreatitis as they had not been used before .
12 However , the government claimed that no militias remained in Kabul , as they had all been absorbed into the regime 's regular army .
13 Only after the war was it revealed that reports concerning the role of the task force had been an element of allied disinformation as it had already been decided not to conduct an amphibious assault .
14 He could hardly limp across the room and offer her a plastic spoon , especially as it had already been used .
15 She was glad to get away for a change of scene , as it had just been confirmed that Steve had been killed , and her place was taken by Nancy , a tall , dark Scots girl , who fitted into the Met team very well .
16 Our next port of call would be Constantinople — or , as it had just been renamed , Istanbul .
17 They presented a target thus for only a matter of seconds , though three of them fell in that time ; then they were hand-to-hand and at blows with the prince 's bodyguard and this was battle as it had formerly been understood between knights , and the hovering archers were crippled and out of the fight .
18 Unionist concerns were still as much with traditional areas of disagreement with the Liberals as with the War ; the UBC made the running with its concern to shield British industry from the war , much as it had previously been intended to protect it through tariffs , and Stanley Baldwin first made his name through its committees .
19 Timeshare owners at Sutton Hall are affiliated to a holiday exchange scheme called RCI , whose marketing director Colin Colins confirmed that the couple were not in a position to exchange their unit as it had n't been built .
20 He built out of that illusion a political cause which stirred the British electorate as it had not been stirred for decades and which has left its imprint on the Conservative Party and on British trade policy down to the present .
21 In January 1987 , yet another judge stated that the March ruling was , in fact , in breach of statute but as it had not been appealed against it had to stand .
22 It was admitted that while the IIRS had prepared a report on the factory itself , it had not surveyed and reported on the Knockanemore dump site as it had not been commissioned to do so by either the IDA or Cork County Council .
23 The grounds of appeal were , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the justices had exercised their discretion to award costs on the wrong principles as it had not been shown that the local authority had acted in bad faith or unreasonable in the performance of its statutory duties or had acted unreasonably in the conduct of the proceedings before the court ; ( 2 ) there were no circumstances which justified the making of the costs order ; ( 3 ) the justice should have found that there were good reasons for the local authority to be concerned about the father 's ability to care for the children , the local authority was not bound to adopt the view of the guardian ad litem and the local authority had communicated the decision not to oppose the father 's application within a reasonable time on receiving the report of the guardian ad litem ; ( 4 ) the justices had been wrong to assume that the change in the view of the local authority amounted to an admission that the views of the local authority had been wrong all the time .
24 The Crown sought an order for the taxpayer 's appeal to be struck out under s 56(4) , TMA 1970 , as it had not been submitted to the High Court within 30 days of receipt .
25 The publication by Lobachevsky in 1829 of a consistent ( non-Euclidean ) geometry , in which Euclid 's parallel postulate is denied , should perhaps have turned mathematicians ' attention back to a study of axioms , especially as it had long been appreciated that Euclid 's use of the axiomatic method was , to say the least , inconsistent ( [ 106 ] contains stronger views . )
26 The appearance of the locomotive was a surprise as it had recently been transferred to Kentish Town to work Midland Express trains out of St. Pancras .
27 As it had never been proposed in the first place , her children could read this only as a piece of unadmitted defensiveness about having ignored them in the past .
28 The police at Southampton had got in touch with Bath , asking what was to be done with the bike , as it had apparently been abandoned .
29 It seemed a wise precaution to lunge him first , as he had not been ridden for three days , and this was accomplished in a corner of the field without either difficulties or a great deal of finesse .
30 On appeal following conviction it was submitted , inter alia , that he should have been informed of the calls from the solicitor , and given a choice as to whether he wanted one or not , particularly as he had not been advised that the authority of the custody officer for the delayed notification to his son had been lifted ( see Jones ( Sally ) February 2 , 1984 ) .
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