Example sentences of "as [pron] [was/were] [prep] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 We have always in Czechoslovakia been proud of being Europeans , as we were before the First World War and between the wars .
2 At the start of the second world war , there was an enormous expansion in the Territorial Army , as there was in the first world war .
3 and within the last say twenty five years there 's been a dramatic change in the young people 's way of thinking , maybe more of them have gone to university than they did the previous twenty five years and that there is such a difference now than there was that I mean for instance if there was a war there would n't , there would be far more conscientious objectors than there ever was before far more than erm young man saying no I 'm going to fight for my country , be patriotic I do n't think you would find , for instance , the youth of this country so patriotic as they was in the last war , your country needs you .
4 At Penywaun , years later , he told me about John Evans and his sister as they were at the first two decades of this century : I sensed as a boy they were unusual but now I recognized how different they were .
5 As Sawyer and Darton wrote so tellingly in English Books : ‘ The Running Stationers , as they were at the last called , bore a light but precious fardel : just the Short History of the English People — no more . ‘
6 Nigel 's arrangement of the white slaves , as he called the domestic machines , positioned as they were on the first floor , entailed many journeys upstairs to inspect their progress .
7 Though Christie 's says that the Vung Tau sale is lotted to encourage private buyers , with sets of between five and nine matching vases offered per lot ( and designed to be shown , as they were in the 17th century , massed together on a chimneypiece or high shelf ) , Cohen believes buying is more easily done through a dealer .
8 Few people are offended today , as they were in the last century , by the thought of man and the chimpanzee being classified together by virtue of a common ancestor which has been extinct for probably more than three million years !
9 Women are not debarred from any legal statuses which are held by men , as they were in the last century .
10 The ideals of the Hospitaller Order are as relevant today as they were in the 16th century when the Order was founded — to meet ‘ All in Need ’ , no matter their colour , race or creed .
11 He might have an interesting tale to tell but it could probably be told in the space of thirty minutes and on later meetings hauled out and paraded again exactly as it was on the first occasion .
12 To pass beyond it is to cross the threshold into another dimension which , for all its pragmatic gifts to the West over the centuries , remains as mysteriously little-known to us now as it was for the first explorers .
13 Again the warning is vital as it was for the last two techniques .
14 erm One very important house is erm what is now the Newman Mobray Bookshop , and that of course is still very much as it was in the 17th Century .
15 Clyne House , the Royal Schools for the Deaf ( Manchester ) 's nursery department , was once again turned into a military hospital just as it was in the First World War .
16 If , on the other hand , there are many unstressed syllables between the stressed ones , then the unstressed ones are squeezed together , so that the time between the stresses is approximately the same as it was in the first example ( see the sentence " The weather we had last summer was awful " ) .
17 It was a hard philosophy , but he claimed it was both immutable and universal , as true in the fifth Dominion , called Earth , as it was in the Second .
18 Now that idea was to get everybody together and erm because there have been certain members of the staff which have n't been looked at for a period of time they 've escaped the net as it were in the last couple of times and it seems that we 've had the same guys for the last three years and some have erm
19 When the king had died peacefully in bed in 1968 he had been left exactly as he was for the first six months to make sure he was n't simply astral-travelling .
20 From up here he had a panoramic view over a large part of the course and as he was in the last row could see behind as well as forward .
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