Example sentences of "as [pron] [was/were] [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 There is no provision in the rules as there was in the 1952 Rules for searches for prior petitions in county courts to see if the debt has been paid , but the Practice Direction refers to carrying out these searches and the certificates to be endorsed on the petition of their result .
2 There is a world recession today as there was in the 1930s .
3 Indeed the majority of the section numbers are the same as they were in the 1893 Act .
4 In other words , pre-school attendance and university education are as unequally distributed today , as they were in the 1940s .
5 The curious thing is that though the facts are the same as they were in the Fifties and the risks are higher , the level of anxiety about them has markedly fallen .
6 They 're the same now as they were in the fifties when making presentations and that 's about the skills you need when you stand up to speak and the skills you need in the preparation phase so the two towers of presentation skills are about the preparation and the presentation itself .
7 Stone shows no awareness of the place of the Royal Commission 's recommendations within the politics of the postwar debate on the disintegration of the family , which was almost as much a preoccupation of the 1940s and early 1950s ( the Commission was set up in 1952 ) as it was during the 1980s .
8 The strongest critiques of local government as it was in the 1970s concentrate not on its localness , but its position within a national system and , above all , use it as an example of what its critics see as the failings of bureaucratic decision-making .
9 The social isolation of women is not nearly as popular a cause for concern as it was in the 1970s .
10 Which will go towards making a corpus of information from which will draw the meaning and usage of words as it was in the nineteen nineties .
11 Surely in 1993 we do not need a Great Homer Street system of trading as it was in the 1920s .
12 The anonymous writer of 1497 said that apart from London there were only two towns of importance in the country , Bristol and York , but in this he was misinformed , as it seems likely that Norwich , which had undoubtedly had a period of difficulties in the early fifteenth century , had begun to recover about 1465 or 1470 , and was on the way to becoming the second wealthiest city in the land , as it was in the 1520s .
13 But it has never since been debated as solemnly , as urgently or as hysterically as it was in the 1950s .
14 What is actually meant is that the world is no longer so clearly divided as it was in the 1950s and 1960s into two armed camps of allies , with China , after 1960 , causing something of a schism in the Russian camp .
15 Although social class continues to structure party choice , it is no longer as reliable a predictor as it was in the 1950s and 1960s .
16 Athens was expelled from Boiotia in 446 , and the Boiotian League was perhaps reorganized now ; in a valuable description the Oxyrhynchus Historian ( chapter xvi ) gives the system essentially as it was in the 440s , though for instance he takes account of Plataia 's destruction in 427 , after which Thebes took her votes .
17 Koltai suggests everything appalling in modern urban life : The Wimpy-precinct existence which one realises with something like delayed shock is just as inescapable now as it was in the Fifties when Billy first sought refuge in his compulsive make believe .
18 It is even possible that Mr Soros is as wrong about gold as he was about the 1987 stockmarket crash , when he lost something like $100m .
19 Writing as he was in the 1930s , he expressed his pleasure at the extensive documentation and reference material available to the student of art , instancing the growth of libraries and art historical teaching .
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