Example sentences of "as [pron] [vb past] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He looked up as someone rattled at the front door of the shop ; irritably he waved them away .
2 Probably be glad to get rid of her , she thought gloomily , then looked up sharply as someone rapped at the back door .
3 As I looked at the few stones that remained of the castle , I learned from the magazine that the Irish-built castle of the local kings , the O'Rourkes , had once towered over the local countryside .
4 As I looked at the magnificent vehicle I could not help thinking of the historical ‘ Experiment ’ of the Stockton and Darlington Railway , or of the Exhibition excursions of 1851 , when the GW nailed rough boards across their permanent way trucks at Didcot to accommodate their third class passengers !
5 I turned round , half-expecting to hear a giggle , a rather inane giggle ; and then as I looked at the thick shadowy scrub near the gate , and remembered the grim reference to Prospero , a more sinister explanation came to me .
6 In short , as I said at the very beginning of this series of lectures , you must n't treat what as I say as gospel erm I am perfectly capable of being a little bit eccentric , possibly even a little bit erm original erm in my interpretations .
7 As I said at the Conservative party conference , I want to make it clear that our policy is colour blind .
8 I say nearly because he woke as I stopped at the next petrol station .
9 As I arrived at the recent show of Eileen Cooper 's drawings at the Benjamin Rhodes Gallery after visiting the controversial ( read media-hype ) show , Strange Developments , at the Anthony d'Offay Gallery , I could not help but find great comfort in the sheer generosity of spirit with which these big drawings greet you .
10 In other words , friends at the school and the idea , as you said at the very beginning of your paper , is to report without any kind of erm censorship or judgment .
11 Crawling a little closer to the heat , she wrapped herself up and lay down , pillowing her head on her arm as she stared at the flickering flames .
12 Shock flooded her as she stared at the tall , dark-haired , dark-eyed man , who seemed in those initial moments not to be believing his eyes either .
13 Her face reflecting her disgust , and horror as she stared at the other woman , Ellie turned to glance at Feargal to see how he might be taking this insulting piece of arrant mischief-making , and was astonished to see that he looked not angry , but almost sad .
14 Caroline 's voice was an appalled croak as she stared at the new arrival .
15 ‘ Our King John ? ’ she asked in surprise as she stared at the ruined fort that overlooked the lough .
16 As she waited at the only traffic lights in the main street , her attention was caught as a man came out from a hardware shop .
17 Emily seemed to sense this too as she gazed at the uppermost branches .
18 Her deeply lined face was creased into a smile as she gazed at the tiny ear in her hand .
19 As she stiffened at the implied doubt Michele rasped , ‘ I must congratulate you . ’
20 And her eyes too shone as she looked at the two men sitting there .
21 As she looked at the tiny bundle she said drily : ‘ Thank goodness he has n't got ears like his father . ’
22 As she looked at the vast and busy canvas , Miss Hatherby sensed she was finding it difficult to take in and said , ‘ You know Constance , you can not look at a painting with the same eyes as you stare down Chollerton High Street .
23 Lucy , all this time , was still sitting on the verandah surrounded by her cartridge-making tools and weeping bitterly as she looked at the neat rows of cartridges she had made and which were no longer needed .
24 Jessamy allowed her voice to become deliberately sympathetic as she looked at the older woman .
25 Clearly he had not been content to wait , and as she looked at the hard , handsome face she knew he was furiously angry , only good manners holding back the words that were obviously uppermost in his mind .
26 As she looked at the soft golden panelling , more of which emerged every day , the pleasure of her victory washed over Sara anew .
27 Nevertheless Cara smiled at them that morning , as she smiled at the frail , clerical-looking gentleman who was both their saviour and their torment , the pawnbroker who held his court on one corner of St Jude 's Passage , the other corner housing the red-headed madam of the fringed shawl who did not emerge from behind her green shutters so early in the day .
28 That was it , Julia said to herself , as she sat at the big scrubbed table in the Florentine kitchen , all those years and a thousand miles away .
29 Slowly struggling up from the depths of deep unconsciousness , Laura flicked open her eyelids , only to shut them firmly again as she winced at the brilliant sunshine flooding in through the windows of the bedroom .
30 Now as we saw at the last council meeting , where a very right and proper and honest and law abiding council and we do n't want to create a situation in which people are encouraged to break the law .
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