Example sentences of "as [pron] [vb past] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As I left in early afternoon to catch the London train , I reflected that here was as large number of small businessmen who were likely to see some radical changes in the way they operated .
2 As I wrote on this page recently , opera is barely a living art form any longer .
3 The earth never quite moved for me in the Dante Sonata as I thought at one stage it might .
4 Well the proposals in the Good Report as I said for final salary schemes is that a third of the trustees should be elected from he actually says from the active members er we know and comments that in great length a about the difficulties that it would be to er actually er elect er er members who are pensioners or from the deferreds Er I find that er somewhat simplistic view point in that er er the pensioners at least get communications from the administrators of the scheme every month , they get a monthly cheque , so it sh should n't be beyond the wit of man to be able to er be able to contact the pensioners and organise pensioner meetings but pensioner trustees to be elected .
5 And er there r there are no real er gentry in Orkney you see , and you 'll always find that if anybody gets a a a Well as I said to one boy here , I said to him look here I said your old grandfather worked in that shop till his backside was hanging out his brigs .
6 Somebody said , well the Harbourmaster 's not coming , I said , right go back to work and that 's the time I , that 's the time when we had the first baby and erm , that 's the first one we lost and anyhow they put me off for a fortnight and erm I went down to , I say go up the Board of Guardians , that was like the D H S S but a little bit lower and I just start to buy this house soon as I said to this bloke , he live in the council house over here this bloke , what was interviewing me
7 As I went for vigorous afternoon walks along the footpath by the half-frozen river or across the frosty fields and up the sheep-tracks on to the hills and the bare moors beyond .
8 ‘ I threw them all away a couple of weeks ago as soon as I came across that letter from Parkin , ’ Lancaster murmured .
9 Electroluminescent backlighting , lasting 10 hours between charges , gives a clear display even in total darkness , as I discovered on one dive to 36 metres .
10 I found it very useful when working with desktop applications as I jumped from one application to another with the minimum of fuss .
11 I never wanted my Mum so much in my life as I did at that moment .
12 I think it is best to suck it off with one of those tiny battery-powered vacuum cleaners you can get for about a tenner these days , as I did in this case .
13 Their reward could be to find ( as I found in another country ) that chemistry is the most popular subject in the curriculum .
14 As I stood on one foot to remove them , the little cabin shifted on its suspension but there was no embarrassment , not even in the disparity between the utility of our underwear and the transcendence of our desire .
15 Well as you heard in that report , there 's has been strong criticism of the inquest system , which has led to deaths being investigated thouands of miles from where they happened .
16 Brenda Pridmore , recently appointed Clerical Officer/receptionist at Hoggatt 's Laboratory , pushed the marmalade across the breakfast table and began methodically slicing thin strips from the white of her fried egg , postponing , as she had from early childhood , that cataclysmic moment when she would plunge the fork into the glistening yellow dome .
17 As she advanced into this room full of teenagers , pretending not to smell the rich aroma of Acapulco Gold , gracefully rippling the caftan of pink flowered silk which she considered appropriately hip casual wear , the kids all stopped what they were doing and collected admiringly around her .
18 Later as she lay in that bed , after she had eaten a meal in a small cheap cafe in New Oxford Street , she squirmed between sheets of a kind she had never seen before , purple knitted nylon .
19 Somehow she managed a smile as she said with deliberate casualness , ‘ Sounds a wonderful idea , Harry .
20 She looked up , arching a brow as she said with false sweetness , ‘ Well , is there something else , then ? ’
21 As she struggled with Italian pronunciation , Jacqueline doubled away behind her and slid out of the shop .
22 And how deeply she wished she could feel the confidence impressed upon her voice as she added with forced lightness , ‘ Apart from any other consideration , I still have a wet dog to find . ’
23 He seemed obtuse , as she felt by this time that she had more than cancelled out any slight encouragement she might have given him at first .
24 Noreen O'Neil looked good as she pranced across that stage to the catchy Irish tune .
25 His arrival seemed to set the conveyor belt in motion , and she lost all track of time as she dealt with one actor after another , flinching every time the door opened , yet aware of a peculiar emptiness when Dane failed to show up .
26 She heard the shaken sigh that was torn from him as he brought her body up against the length of his , and the urge to go on fighting him faded as she grasped at fresh knowledge , accepting the fact that this was entirely mutual .
27 Lance Percival was there to hear Ken look at Miss Sims as she arrived on that boundary between the action and the production .
28 As soon as she arrived on Australian soil she went straight to the hospital .
29 If she decides to forgive and forget , as she did after previous takeover attempts , she might not be able to rein in the military .
30 Kandinskaya licked her lips as if stalling for time ; Jezrael could see her imminence paling as she strove for greater calm .
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