Example sentences of "as [pron] [verb] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Com , coming out the back tell me how just as I 'd gone by the door and er
2 ‘ … well , they got up and left so I thought I 'd clear their glasses as soon as I 'd finished with the man I was serving .
3 I thereupon asked Howard Samuel whether he would grant to the Labour Party a licence for the extract , as I had discovered from the contract that the quotation rights were vested in the publisher .
4 That , as I had seen from the outside , was shrouded in green plastic , and , as all the windows seemed to have been boarded up , there was scarcely any light at all .
5 I sought a subject , as I had done in the past , by looking at my TV screen to see what was going on the world .
6 I admit , you and I did rather live our years together in the shadow of Jean-Claude , as I had lived in the shadow of Montaine .
7 I found the same classificatory system in use with the same unconscious linguistic divisions being applied as I had learned in the mid-1950s .
8 With courage grasped I begin to climb , tentatively at first , until nerves evaporate as I become absorbed in the climbing .
9 Macca played as well as I 've seen in the first twenty minutes .
10 But you do have to look at looking at you know , as I 've said across the five years .
11 But to be quite truthful as I 've said to the boys , when I 'm away all this is lost .
12 As I 've said in the previous articles , some parts of the swing are more difficult to cope with than others .
13 So the more overtime you work as I 've said before the less efficient we become .
14 And erm as I 've said before the A sixty four corridor or the A sixty four road is already an existing high quality dual carriageway road .
15 I would simply place a card with the initials and dates 1921–1939 alongside the material — as I 've done with the other exhibits And I 'd like to place it all between the Danziger and Eberhardt donations . ’
16 Nevertheless , as I 've detailed on the handout , there are some pieces of survey evidence available as to what the extent of various practices are , apparently .
17 ‘ We leave as soon as I 've spoken to the Queen . ’
18 Well erm it 's a combination of both those factors er as I 've mentioned at the outset the development programme has moved ahead a little more slowly than we would wish , the main reasons for this were associated firstly with the delay in selecting equipment er and that took longer than our contractor ha had imagined .
19 ‘ I told him to go jump in a lake , ’ Ellen said very calmly , ‘ and then I told him that just as soon as I 've finished with the Crowninshield twins I shall be sailing away — ’ she clinked her glass on mine , ‘ with you . ’
20 And now , what had previously been the focus of my attention — the Nant Gwynant Horseshoe from Pont Bethania by the main road at Nant Gwynant — seemed to be lightyears away from my reached as I stayed rooted to the spot , hypnotised by the lights of the pantechnicon backpedalling menacingly towards me .
21 It is true that most foreign investment is for the domestic markets of host countries , and that the ‘ export processing ’ industries that are at the centre of the NIDL thesis account for only a small part of TNC foreign investment in the Third World but , as I have argued for the cases of Mexico and China ( Sklair , 1989 , forthcoming ) , the symbolic significance of export oriented development strategies is extremely important in the contemporary global system .
22 If , as I have argued in the previous section , moral or ethical theories do not provide formulae that replace the need for intuitions , but , on the contrary , are used in the service of new ones , it is these intuitions that we must focus on .
23 Perhaps , as most of us would assume , it can all be explained by inadequate statistics , faulty experimental design , overenthusiastic interpretation of ambiguous results , or , as I have argued in the case of Ungar 's experiment , misinterpreting the biochemical and pharmacological consequences of stress or other , rather non-specific aspects of behaviour .
24 The fact of the matter is that it is not , as I have explained to the right hon. Gentleman on many occasions , happening only in this country .
25 On this occasion , some of their bags were contained in the white diplomatic bag belonging to the Foreign Office , which they were using for convenience to contain their consignment — — and , as I have explained to the House , that was the commencement of the error in question which , of course , we very much regret .
26 I should like to express here , as I have done outside the House , my deepest sympathy to the bereaved and to the families of those who were injured .
27 I certainly Mr Chairman welcome this paper erm and I know today that I think possibly the main reason being erm , I could be deemed also been through and through today responding to our local issue and that maybe due to May fever , I do n't know , erm , in really accepting acknowledging as I have done in the past your efforts , erm the county surveyor 's efforts for this part of Suffolk I do again bring to your attention and I do n't think is being critical in that the Barnet by bypass is part of a far bigger jigsaw and that jigsaw I say not
28 We can go there as soon as I have seen to the army at Pesth . ’
29 As I have said in the past , NALGO are welcome at those meetings .
30 As I have said in the local press , my only sadness is that we were not afforded trust status a year ago .
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