Example sentences of "as [noun] [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Claudia said demurely as Roman carried her into the bedroom .
2 It must have taken a while from Taunton , Charles thought , as Frances drove them in the yellow Renault 5 along the route Lesley-Jane had described .
3 Jimmy with the gun on Rohmer , as Cardiff held him against the corridor wall .
4 The web tangled and clung mawkishly around her reasoning as Fernando lowered her to the bed .
5 Her head began to throb but it eased as Fernando guided her through the crowds to small , quieter side-streets away from the harbour .
6 ‘ Not before time , ’ Stevie remarked , as Patrick joined him on the 17th tee .
7 By the late 1980s the CPSU itself accepted , as Gorbachev put it to the 27th Party Congress , that no single party could have a ‘ monopoly of truth ’ and that the movement as a whole would not normally be unanimous on all the issues it confronted .
8 He jumped as Heg tapped him on the shoulder .
9 As Ronni chose one by the nearest window , he repeated his question .
10 Isabel asked herself as fitzAlan swung himself into the saddle behind her .
11 It was 3-0 just before half-time as Shearer threw himself at the ball .
12 He woke as Pete heaved himself from the bunk .
13 Revolution was now the buzzword , as pop allied itself with the youth riots that occurred throughout Europe and America in 1968 and 1969 ; although overtly concerned with inner space , pop went public with a confusing mixture of ideology and rhetoric , to which private concerns like self and sexuality were subordinated .
14 Edward was much more confused than Maurice and needed all the help he was getting as Maurice manhandled him to the top of the ladder .
15 The music is lost , but Cavalieri 's contemporaries agree that it was he who , as Peri put it in the preface to his Euridice ( 1600 ) , ‘ before anyone else made our music ’ ( i.e. the ‘ nuova maniera di canto ’ ) ‘ heard on the stage ’ .
16 She thinks the microwave ‘ has changed our perceptions of time , much as telephones changed them at the turn of the century ’ .
17 There was no need for words between them , no post-mortem , as Rune relieved her of the burden of his weight , drawing her to him , pulling her dark head down on his strong golden shoulder agleam with the sparkling moisture of his sweet , clean sweat .
18 Sternly she dragged her thoughts and reactions under control , as Rune guided her through the crowded room towards the exit .
19 Tony was cowering away , shaking as Damian held him by the lapels of his shirt .
20 As Harry led her towards the dance floor , she said , ‘ For one moment I thought you were going to knock poor Jerry sideways . ’
21 If the convention as anti-parliament is understood as assuming that the people 's wishes must prevail , that the convention better expressed those wishes than parliament and therefore in any contest between the two popular loyalty should be to the convention , as abolitionists employed it in the 1830s , it was closer to a focus for intensifying ‘ pressure from without ’ than an alternative to parliament .
22 Furthermore , as Martov put it at the 1903 congress , all members of the party should be concerned with the disabilities of minorities , not just the minority itself .
23 As Leonard expressed it in the poem which — in title and texture counterbalances the title of the book :
24 A thing of great beauty , it was not unusual to hear sharp intakes of breath as people beheld it for the first time .
25 State-controlled television claimed on Nov. 18 that the opposition protest " had fizzled out as people dissociated themselves from the politics of disruption and violence " , although it acknowledged that stoning and tear-gassing in Lahore had " caused inconvenience " .
26 She straightened up , thick lashes veiling her expression as Jill followed her into the room .
27 A long right arm as hard as steel took him about the body , prisoning his left arm above the elbow , and the grazed breast leaned violently over him and broke his balance .
28 In her analyses of Freud 's conception of female sexuality , she demonstrates that Freud 's view of women as lack or as absence forces them into the discursive position of the hysteric because it denies them autonomous identity and obliges them to mimic the voice of the dominant male if they wish to be heard at all ( 1974:66–71 ) .
29 ‘ It 's … it 's simply lovely , ’ Laura murmured as Carole showed them around the cottage .
30 Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body via sperms or eggs , so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a process which , in the broad sense , can be called imitation .
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