Example sentences of "as [noun] [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She looked round as Doyle returned with the Diet Cola .
2 payments of capital do not attract inheritance tax liability , except in so far as income earned by the fund has not been paid out .
3 She walked through into the Lancaster Room again , where Phil Aldrich was still scribbling away on the hotel 's notepaper ; and for the moment ( as Sheila stood in the doorway ) looking up with his wonted patience and nodding mildly as Janet propounded her latest views on the injustice of the tour 's latest delay .
4 England withdrew from Fifa in 1928 , as discussions began for the organisation of the first World Cup competition , and remained disdainfully on the sidelines until 1950 , when England 's ‘ superiority ’ complex was quickly dissipated by a 1–0 defeat in a pool match against the United States .
5 Here , national subsidies are under continual threat of elimination as discussions progress within the ECSC and under the treaty .
6 As Sabrina stood outside the hotel on the Place de la Gare staring up at the Cathedral 's spire silhouetted against the dark , sombre skyline , she let her thoughts drift back over the hours since their departure from New York 's John F. Kennedy Airport .
7 ANXIOUS people inundated Darlington police with calls as election canvassing in the town centre almost got out of hand .
8 It was very dark as Newman drove along the road away from Walberswick on their way back to London .
9 As Marianne walked to the door , she turned away , unable to look at the woman who 'd brought her world crashing about her ears like a fragile house of cards .
10 Later they found a small , quiet restaurant on the outskirts of the city , and Shannon could n't help but notice the admiring glances of male diners and waiters as Marianne swayed into the room .
11 As investigations continue into the killing of P C Patrick Dunn , three men have been released .
12 Just as solicitors acting for the wife , where the matrimonial home stands in the husband 's sole name , will have given advice concerning the registration of a Class F Land Charge or a notice ( if registered land ) ; so , where the home stands in the joint names of husband and wife as beneficial joint tenants , will they have advised on severance of that joint tenancy in order to prevent the husband acquiring the whole property by operation of law in the event of the wife 's death before the determination of the matrimonial proceedings ( see Barton v Morris [ 1985 ] 2 All ER 1032 ) .
13 Mariana made a move to help as Trent returned to the living-room with broom and pan .
14 He looked up as Trent came into the room .
15 She blinked and looked up , smiling , as Jim wandered into the room with a handful of X-rays .
16 This involves the channelling of policy initiatives upwards from lower levels so that as proposals move through the company they gather support leaving the final decision-maker with the simple task of confirming the agreed consensus .
17 " They 'll need young men , men of conviction , " Joseph said suddenly , as Patrick headed towards the door .
18 It became obvious as soon as Annunziata handed round the soup tureen that Comfort was deliberately trying to exclude David from the conversation and show him how de trop he was .
19 ‘ Better drop it , ’ said Cardiff at last as thunder boomed in the sky and the reception glass lit up again with the flash .
20 As Emmerson explained at the Seminar , banks typically only save information where legal or business requirements make the information necessary or useful .
21 But however distinguished its history , Edinburgh very much sees itself as a University of the 1990s committed to research and teaching covering the hi-tech disciplines of the future , as well as disciplines rooted in the past .
22 Francis has last laugh as Owls turn on the style
23 He normally never wears anything on his head — ’ He broke off as Buckmaster reappeared in the doorway .
24 ‘ Not until you met me , ’ she added complacently , as Scarlet went to the door .
25 However , a democracy can vote as it feels fit , and the Tories are in very real danger of losing the next election as homeowners desert to the opposition parties .
26 Plants are closing all over Europe as recession deepens on the continent and particular industries make the painful adjustments to their own private new world orders , but the announcement that Digital Equipment Corp was to close its venerable 22-year-old manufacturing plant in Galway has drawn international attention that far exceeds anything generated by threatened closures such as the even more venerable truck plant that is almost the only employer in the Lancashire town of Leyland , and involved a threat to many more jobs .
27 As recession deepens in the West , Japan continues to glitter like some new El Dorado — despite its own mild economic slowdown .
28 For these were the real ‘ professionals ’ who , at certain times in the war , took over either as commanders appointed by the crown or as leaders of groups of freelance soldiers who could ignore royal orders and get away with it .
29 Zeno heard the difference and half turned as Pascoe stepped into the beam of the spotlight .
30 Suddenly , as Sophie pulled into the drive of Broom House , her pent-up feelings collapsed into cold black depression .
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