Example sentences of "as [prep] [subord] [art] [noun sg] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 The question therefore arose as to whether a wife should be treated any differently in this respect .
2 My Lords , we remain absolutely committed to parents being the key determinant as to whether a school should go grant maintained erm or whether it should not .
3 The courts can express the same feeling by the creative choice as to whether a defect should be stamped jurisdictional or non-jurisdictional .
4 These clauses are also found in insurance policies to resolve disputes between insurer and insured as to whether a claim should proceed .
5 This approach seems to beg the question as to whether a suicide can ever be regarded as being in their right mind .
6 The decision as to whether a family will be started and how large it will be rests with the Parents to a greater extent than at any time in history .
7 It is perhaps for this reason that the Court of Appeal in Faccenda left open the question as to whether an employee could sell the information which was comprised in the skills acquired in the course of employment which he could not be prevented from using himself .
8 After many doubts as to whether the event would go as planned , or if a significant number of aircraft would turn-up , the celebrations held over the weekend went off without a hitch and the whole town was enveloped in Norseman fever or Norsemania , as the local press called it .
9 It is difficult to answer the question as to whether the papacy may be accounted a financial power of importance on a European level .
10 This is an important consideration which bears directly on the current debate as to whether the Convention should be incorporated into British law and made directly enforceable within the jurisdiction .
11 But there is grave doubt among environmentalists as to whether the Government will fulfil its promises according to schedule .
12 Without that provision , either the appointing authority will have to be persuaded to act and the other party persuaded to drop its objections , or an application would have to be made to the court for a declaration as to whether the reference should proceed .
13 Practice varies as to whether the investor should disclose the due diligence report to the vendor .
14 Consideration should be given as to whether the expert will need outside assistance such as legal advice in order to complete his work .
15 The other part of the decision about what falls within the working definition of ‘ pollution ’ is a judgment as to whether the effluent will have an ‘ impact ’ .
16 Now there is doubt as to whether the position will be automatically filled when Mrs Harding , of Barnes Road , Darlington , retires .
17 He will make a recommendation which goes back to the Department of the Environment , who will make the final decision as to whether the building should be listed .
18 SAVE wasted no time in seeking legal advice as to whether the decision could be challenged .
19 that the defendant took care to inform himself , from others who were in a position to provide the information , as to whether the deposit would constitute an offence and had no reason to suppose that the information given to him was false or misleading ;
20 Nevertheless , says the Crown Prince , ‘ I agreed absolutely with his proposal that the question as to whether the offensive should be continued or broken off should be settled by the result of the partial attack on the East [ Right ] Bank . ’
21 This diversity led to confusion among observers as to whether the Council would indeed become a significant centre of political decision making , or would be a much less important and purely consultative body .
22 And there 's some doubt as to whether the council can make its tenant farmers enforce the ban .
23 ( 3 ) A statement as to whether the firm will undertake transactions with or for the customer in investments which are not on-exchange or which are not readily realisable investments .
24 It was to be the largest march ever organized by the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign , with profuse pre-publicity , and an obliging media reaction — talking of ‘ revolutionary threats ’ , and Home Secretary James Callaghan being quizzed on television as to whether the gathering should be banned .
25 As will be seen , any attempt to question such assumptions was likely to raise the question , sometimes in quite an explosive form , as to whether the study could be authorized as " English " at all .
26 If the court is left in doubt as to whether the information might not have been acquired wholly or partly from the general experience gained by the employee then the employer will fail .
27 5.9.5 On a permitted assignment to a private limited company and if the Landlord shall reasonably so require to procure that a guarantor or guarantors reasonably acceptable to the Landlord enter into direct covenants with the Landlord in the form of the Guarantor 's covenant contained in this Lease with " the Assignee " substituted for " the Tenant " There are various matters to be considered in connection with a permitted underlease ( not the least of which being as to whether the tenant should be allowed to underlet part or parts of the premises as well as to whole ) , eg : ( 1 ) In respect of any permitted underlease it is better to remove reference to the landlord 's approval of the rent reserved by it , and if possible ( particularly in a falling market ) to remove reference to the rent being no less than the passing rent under the lease , although the landlord will normally object to this on the basis that a low underlease rent could be used as a comparable on any subsequent rent review under the lease .
28 Some alienation provisions contain surrender-back clauses which should be strongly resisted by the tenant , as they lead to uncertainty as to whether the tenant will be permitted to assign the lease to the person of its choosing , and unless carefully worded could result in the tenant obtaining less from the landlord on surrender than it would have done from the assignee .
29 The EC was due to fund between 25 and 40 per cent of the £250 million ( Ecu355 million ) project , but has now postponed the decision out of uncertainty as to whether the project will be economically viable .
30 In the U.S.A. even at the time of President Lincoln about 1860 there was serious debate as to whether the economy should remain agricultural or whether there should be a positive attempt to develop manufacturing .
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