Example sentences of "that [noun sg] have been [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We hear that progress has been rather slow of late but feel this has less to do with the quality of Swan Vesta the boys are using and more to do with their strange diets .
2 It was no wonder , on reflection , that Lorimer had been so eager to spend time in Cleo 's irreverent company .
3 bases on which he arrives at a decision that he may sometimes find considerable difficulty in making a good case on paper for some action he may have taken , even though he feels , and subsequent events may prove , that action to have been perfectly correct .
4 " Then Prince Rainbow saw that El-ahrairah had been as good as his word , and that he himself must keep his promise too .
5 That night had been particularly joyous , because Ashi felt that at last her family was allowing her to blossom fully into womanhood .
6 That sighting had been only twelve miles south of this crossroads , yet now there was no sign of any Frenchmen .
7 I mean you can see , it 's self evident as you travel to Strensall that that development has been highly successful and s and the s the final seventh point is that the A sixty four north east corridor can be well served by the public transport to achieve the close relationship between the workplace and home , as national policy now seeks .
8 Her feelings on that day had been so overpowering , had filled her with such sharp pleasure that always she hoped that their ghosts must still be lingering among the leaves .
9 Both companies feel that their architectures are complementary ; he adds that Cascade has been very successful in the US and that the product has ‘ a number of innovative features ’ .
10 That kiss had been so bewildering , so utterly unlike anything that had ever happened to her in all her twenty-four years .
11 That argument has been very forceful in some countries for the last three or four decades at least .
12 The survey showed that breeding had been so successful that there were now three times as many swans than at the last census , taken in 1983 .
13 That policy has been manifestly successful over the past 12 months in reducing the rate of inflation to 3.7 per cent .
14 Also , a larger proportion both of text and drawings has been allocated to the countries whose contribution to that style has been most notable , for instance , France in Gothic architecture , Italy in Renaissance designs .
15 The hon. Gentleman produced a more entertaining account than life itself — and given that life has been fairly entertaining over the past year , that is quite an achievement .
16 It was a central plank of the Griffiths recommendations , and the evidence referred to earlier in the chapter indicates that success has been only fitful and Scattered .
17 How could that report have been so inaccurate ?
18 Conditions late in Æthelred 's reign could well have resulted in such a movement , for apart from the effects of famine and enemy harrying , those landowners with dependent peasantry may often have expected them to shoulder much of the tax burden , and that burden had been particularly heavy between 1011 and 1014 .
19 Thus there has grown up an interest in feminist ‘ herstory ’ ; etymologically impossible , the word emphasizes that his-story has been just that — the history of men .
20 That weekend had been more strained than usual because Frances Shand Kydd — Earl Spencer 's former wife , and mother of his four children — was for the first time under the same roof as Raine .
21 But hitherto that interest had been merely one among many ; his temperament had precluded any drastic specialization , and he worked on an almost random variety of Greek topics , with a discernible bias only towards philosophy .
22 I would not agree that augmentin has been highly effective in the management of patients infected with urinary tract pathogens resistant to amoxycillin .
23 That source-study has been so common is at least partly due to the fact that the interpretation of the writings of the mystics has , from the start , been felt to be the preserve of theologians .
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