Example sentences of "that [verb] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Asserting , what was palpably untrue , that ‘ There are probably few people in India who do not sincerely regret that you should have made it impossible for any government to leave you at liberty ’ , he handed down a sentence of six years ' simple imprisonment , pointing out — the crowning touch-that the sentence was the same as that given to the nationalist hero Bal Gangadhar Tilak , twelve years before .
2 What they definitely do indicate are the extremes of weight problems ; where your weight falls higher than the amount given under the large-frame weight for your height , or lower than that given for the small-frame weight for your height , then you have problems .
3 The most graphic statement of the dual role , though some would call it an overstatement ( e.g. Pearce , 1982 ) , is that given by the National Association of Head Teachers ( NAHT ) in response to a document on the role of the advisory service issued by the Society of Education Officers and the National Association of Inspectors and Educational Advisers :
4 The most frequently quoted definition of non-natural user is that given by the Judicial Committee in Rickards v. Lothian , ‘ It must be some special use bringing with it increased danger to others and must not merely be the ordinary use of the land or such a use as is proper for the general benefit of the community . ’
5 I could not restrain myself from hastening to view one of those Druid circles , of which there are so many in the Isle of Lewis ; that given in the small vignette is the first one I reached .
6 And how does that compare with the same period last year ? ’
7 He confirms the analysis of western society given in Chapter 2 : " The problem for most RE teachers is … that the minds of the pupils are tightly closed against the possibility that reality might plausibly be seen in any other way than that transmitted via the dominant culture . "
8 The store will be quite separate from that planned by the Central Electricity Generating Board to house spent nuclear fuel before it is reprocessed .
9 But it remains the case that the current rate of increase in unemployment is considerably lower than that experienced in the early part of last year . ’
10 If it is assumed that the expected volume of output is roughly equal to that experienced in the previous year , , then the higher is , the greater will gross investment tend to be .
11 Articles in journals , a chapter in books on research methods and collections of conference papers ( such as that highlighted in the last edition of Observations ) , were available , but nothing that had quite the focus and range of explaining background , methodology and queries as well as providing sufficient examples .
12 No , that goes over the other side of it , that 's the other corner .
13 Then , like a shoal of fish moving within a net , Rose and the girls started to clear the table , to brush away crumbs , to wash , to dry , to return each thing to its own place , all done with a muted energy ; whispers , jokes , little scolding asides — ‘ No , that goes in the other place ’ or reminisce how they had made the same mistake before in order to soften any harshness in the scold , bending low in apologetic laughter .
14 On the other hand there are , in some people 's opinions , sinister overtones of being able to keep tabs on a person 's movements , though how that differs from the present system I am not quite sure .
15 Answer guide : The answers to this should encapsulate the idea of the static nature of a stock measure , and the way in which that differs from the dynamic nature of measures covering periods of time .
16 If the transferred employee insists on moving into bigger or more ‘ up market ’ accommodation , the excess mortgage allowance is based on the price of housing comparable with that owned in the old area .
17 After participation in the CU , and the adoption by the CU of CET against non-members equal to that applied by the domestic economy before the union , then the commodity will be imported from the union partner .
18 That points to the great success of Conservative health service policies .
19 Indeed , this person 's role would not have been dissimilar to that undertaken by the present-day funeral director .
20 Player A's expected payoff in each period will therefore tend to a value which is less than that received by the dominant strategy type for any positive rate of discount .
21 The benevolent influence of a family , such as that depicted in the first chapter of Tom Brown 's Schooldays , reached out to the tenants and other members of the local community ; the girls from the cottages came into the big house as dairy or nursery-maids ; the boys were taken on as under-gardeners or grooms .
22 I 've had three goes at it , and I can tell you that looks are the last thing to be considered ; it 's what 's underneath that matters in the long run .
23 In fact , those who support the introduction of a Bill of Rights tend to see the state in essentially " negative " terms : it is regarded as the only real threat to individual freedom and liberty ( apart from that posed by the collective activity of trade unions ) because freedom itself is defined negatively as simply involving an absence of public and legal restraint on individual action .
24 But I doubt very much whether there are any claims now outstanding which are not statute-barred , in respect of children stillborn before 22 July 1976 or any children born before that date , who are locked in litigation with their mothers over whether the mother tasted alcohol or followed a diet other than that recommended by the current phase of medical opinion during pregnancy .
25 If it does the alternative of a statutory limit on hours of work similar to that proposed by the European Commission would destroy any semblance of manpower control just as surely as Field 's proposals .
26 Mobutu had intended that the Assembly , made up largely of members of his Mouvement populaire de la révolution ( MPR ) , should draft an alternative constitution to that proposed by the national conference in September [ see p. 39082-83 ] .
27 Yeah that looks about the right sort of thing , cos it was fifty ohms and we 've put , I mean it 's not that much small you know it 's not going to let , it should let about half as much through as that lets through this should n't it ?
28 The postulate put forward in this study is that the potential meaning of to before the infinitive is more abstract than that found in the spatial use of the preposition , and can be stated as follows : the possibility of a movement from a point in time conceived as a before-position to another point in time which marks the end-point of the movement and which represents an after-position with respect to the first .
29 The age distribution of known opioid users was similar to that found in the first survey , with 69 per cent being aged between 16 and 24 years ( compared to 75 per cent in 1984–5 ) .
30 The first point is that , of the five people generally named in any discussion of the generation gap theory , four are Free Presbyterians , which is a similar concentration to that found in the first generation of Paisley activists .
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