Example sentences of "that [noun] does not [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 It is true that this is qualified by the North western Utilities case , but that decision does not apply to an occupier who neither knows nor could reasonably have discovered the existence of a danger created by his predecessor .
2 That description does not apply to Levein , however .
3 That fear does n't need to be there .
4 I told you before that thinking does n't seem to be your strong point .
5 That rule does not purport to subject Winchester to the Rules .
6 It is significant , for example , that Nizan does not refer to his literature as " socialist realist " , but rather as " revolutionary " .
7 The other good news with Sun E45 , is that sand does n't stick to the skin .
8 More generally , the link between the last three sections of this book is Tolkien 's perception , from Pearl and from poems like it , that poetry does not reduce to plain sense ( so far most critics would agree with him ) , but furthermore that this is because words have over the centuries acquired meanings not easily traced in dictionaries , available however to many native speakers , and ( this is where many critics part company ) at times breaking through the immediate intentions of even poetic users .
9 That prospect does not appeal to me .
10 Another is that gravity does not seem to be renormalizable ; in order to obtain finite answers , it seems that one may have to make an infinite number of infinite subtractions with a correspondingly infinite number of undetermined finite remainders .
11 5.5 This conclusion will actually exclude the great majority of verbs ( or , more exactly , all normal uses of the great majority of verbs ) from appearing in construction with an adverbal adjective at all , with or without the claimed nuance ; either they will be related to their object in such a way that there is simply no need to mention any particular property of the latter entity , as in ( 30 ) ; or , even if there is some property of the object specially relevant to the notion introduced in the verb , that property does not belong to the object by virtue of the relationship between the verb and the object ; for instance , even if Angela in ( 31 ) resembles her cousin in that they are both dark , her cousin does not have that property because Angela resembles her , and even if the Prince admired his Chief Justice because of his disposition to clemency it is not the the Prince 's admiration that justifies the applicability of the property merciful .
12 I 'm afraid not , Miss Holbrook ; that idea does n't appeal to me at all . ’
13 The construction of that generality does not pretend to be the only possible one — the same event could operate in all sorts of different ways in different series , temporalities , which would mean that , strictly speaking , it was no longer the same event , for it would have been dispersed in their different rarefactions .
14 It seems that fanaticism does not need to be fuelled by credulity , at least about dreaming .
15 ‘ I see there 's hardly a day nowadays that Rose does n't go to her relations , ’ Moran said to Sheila and Mona one Saturday they brought him a flask of tea into the fields .
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