Example sentences of "that [noun] i do n't [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Yes I , I know that bit I did n't know you had to do something to stop the
2 Stop making that noise I do n't like it !
3 All I want now is to get this 'ere wallet into the mitts of that geezer I do n't like the look of . ’
4 Well in that case I do n't think you should
5 In that case I do n't see why not . ’
6 In that case I do n't need to repeat it .
7 And the , the price was thirty nine pounds and as far as I know at the time the , the pianos went down that terrace I do n't think anybody could play it properly .
8 There 's a resistor there that was in that tray I do n't know whether it 's fell out the board or
9 down into his arteries and we ca n't get anything down there so they 're blocked , but he said how the hell he survived that op I do n't know he said they could 've done more with his legs but it meant another hour and a quarter minutes in surgery , and he said he 'd had enough we could n't have kept him on the table a minute longer so he said all we can do is wait , so now mum said well he 's alright in intensive care , he 's responding well , getting over the operation well , but what we was worried about was him breathing on his own , had he , had he been you see , anyway he said this on er Thursday
10 Sorry about that Simon I do n't know why we 're not working here .
11 In the light of that brutality I do n't think we need concern ourselves about gentility , spurious or otherwise .
12 That night I did n't sleep too well .
13 I do n't know , at at that price I do n't know .
14 Just before he reached it , I used the last two shots on my film , though at that distance I did n't think I 'd pick up much .
15 Three of them went into a shop , in a baker 's shop , why I was n't with them that day I do n't know cos we was always together , our four .
16 That glow I did n't need .
17 Well there 's no difference top and bottom of that bed I do n't think .
18 It 's not that flu I do n't think , Sam , Sammy Jo started with it , I mean she had the doctor out a week on Saturday , I mean she was ill and Sharon started her Sunday dinner , a week on Sunday , she never had her dinner , Sammy Jo never , er why me and Elliott left some , then on Monday she was really bad and Elliott was
19 And for that reason I do n't believe this is really any form of constraint on new development which could obviously be built with er appropriate foundations to absorb the very slight movement that takes place when undermining occurs .
20 For that reason I do n't propose to object in fact I 'd be very happy to move it .
21 I use my bank pin number , that way I do n't forget it .
22 That way I do n't appear as nervous as my skippety-hop heart .
23 That way I do n't clog up my mum 's washing machine with greasy overalls every week , ’ she says .
24 That way I do n't need too much information about the place if anyone asks me . ’
25 You did n't at that stage I do n't think make any sort of link towards referrals and introductions .
26 Now one can say well what are we aiming for in terms of the sexual harassment free environment , and I think that what one would be aiming for is if not the atmosphere of a girls ' convent school one 's certainly aiming at an environment where women can work and study and interact without the sense of being constantly on display as sexual objects , and , you know , to that extent I do n't know if it is the case that a large number of the respondents are saying , you know , ‘ I have come from an environment when I have n't had to deal with this before , and I do n't expect to have to deal with it ’ then we should certainly sit up and take notice of that .
27 At that time I did n't pause to wonder if he 'd realized exactly what he 'd taken on when he first became involved with Nigel 's funeral arrangements ; I did later , and often , with deep and loving gratitude .
28 I thought my boyfriend would make sure that he knew what he was doing , " cos at that time I did n't know what I was letting myself in for and also because he was nineteen I said to myself that he was more responsible .
29 have to wait twenty five to eight before he 'd come in , how he was coming here at that time I do n't know .
30 No , not unless I saw that wedding that time I do n't know .
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