Example sentences of "as she [vb past] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She broke off , colour running up her face as she pressed a guilty hand to her mouth .
2 She felt her brassiere tighten uncomfortably as she heaved a vicious sigh .
3 Isabel gasped at the strength of his grip , her senses reeling as she fought a wild impulse to melt into the crushing pressure of his embrace .
4 My mother was a delicate creature and a cripple who had to wear a large , specially made boot as she had a shortened leg .
5 She was probably raped first as she had a horrible wound in the abdomen , undoubtedly caused by a grenade , as if to make an examination impossible .
6 Well , not entirely , as she had a little girl of eighteen months old and her husband was missing reported killed in a bombing raid over Germany .
7 She found this very difficult to keep to , as she had a sweet tooth and loved cakes .
8 The thought was frantic as she dragged a desperate breath into her lungs .
9 Her lips twitched as she imagined a black cloud , bearing his face , hovering over her head .
10 The small of her back began to feel warm as she imagined a small bead of laser light centred there , cueing a flamer , or a needler , or a screamer , or anything nasty and permanent .
11 After removing her shoes according to the Korean custom , she demonstrated her dexterity with chopsticks as she popped a delicate roll containing shredded beef and mustard sauce into her mouth .
12 Impulsively , and without changing from the pale blue uniform she had put on this morning , since she did n't know how Faye wanted her new nurse to dress , Belinda found her way to the kitchen where the housekeeper , Mrs Porter , was creating deliciously savoury aromas as she cooked a three-course evening meal that was carefully balanced with Faye 's special needs in mind .
13 As she raised a trembling hand to brush them away she heard him swearing softly under his breath .
14 He watched her as she took a small mouthful of the delicious moist sponge .
15 Peter put out a hand and gripped Sarella by the shoulder as she took an involuntary pace forward .
16 ‘ May I give you a hand ? ’ her companion offered , as she took an unsteady step forward .
17 She 'd meant her tone to be clipped and dismissive , but even to her own ears it sounded slurred and indistinct as she made a mental attempt to regain conscious control over the increased rhythm of her heart .
18 Lindsey almost flinched herself as she made a gentle examination of the blistered area .
19 She opened her eyes wide and amazed , and then lowered them as she made a rapid calculation .
20 She felt sick as she made a brief speech which was delivered in a rapid monotone .
21 As she made a quick tour of the studio before dashing out to meet him , she was aware of a great sense of personal satisfaction .
22 And you can take these with you — ’ She flung the contents of the case at him , and watched with satisfaction as she made a direct hit .
23 She bit her lip as she saw a quick glance pass between Joanna and Helen .
24 Nell moved to a collection of cans and packets on the floor near him , kneeling as she ignited a solid fuel heater .
25 As an Archdeacon should , Theodora thought , as she drafted a neat set of interlocking triangles on the sheet of foolscap thoughtfully provided by her host .
26 As she told a close friend : ‘ I knew I had only one chance to get it right .
27 Then , as she felt a large paw on her thigh , she unbent a little .
28 Not that it would be at all necessary , she reassured herself as she felt a sudden burst of fright .
29 He was exerting ruthless self-control , she dimly registered , her cheeks burning as she dared a quick inspection of his body , saw the hard male evidence of his arousal taut and infinitely alarming beneath the black swimming-trunks .
30 This minor affair underlined the Army 's contention that nuclear weapons and air power were no substitute for troops on the ground in the type of fighting in which Britain was likely to be involved as long as she remained a colonial power .
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