Example sentences of "as they go [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The alternative is , where A and B are still , look at the axis , A and B are still getting bigger as they go along the axis but the relationship is different .
2 As they come to the final fence Second Schedule being pressed by Ebony Jane and Bishops Hall on the nearside and over the last Second Schedule and Bishops Hall on the nearside , Ebony Jane in third , in fourth place is Joe White and racing into the closing stages it 's Second Schedule with Bishops Hall on the nearside Graham Bradley again as they go to the line , Bishops Hall wins it for Harry , Second Schedule is second , Joe White is third , Ebony Jane four .
3 From the dozen or so per week when the band is in the studio , there will be up to 100 per week as they go on the road .
4 But contrast the reaction to football fans who run through a town creating damage as they go with the reaction to university students during rag week creating similar damage .
5 As they go about the city they search for God .
6 It is the structural proteins which are of real interest , as they go about the business of actually modifying cells ; the immediate early gene mechanism is a piece of molecular biological housekeeping , which probably seems arcane not merely to most non-biochemists but to biochemists as well .
7 The thoughts swirled through her mind as she followed Silas and Doreen to the dining-room , and as they went towards the corner table Matt stood up .
8 He did take her hand as they went towards the bus .
9 ‘ I knew something wonderful was going to happen , ’ said Bobbie , as they went up the road .
10 It 's a second for Gary , it 's a fourth for Notts and er the little bit of tension that Notts had created for themselves as they went off the boil and came really into the game with their two goals from first of all and then from from the free kick , but 's goal in the last minute here making it four two and really capping a most entertaining night for Notts .
11 As they went down the drive , Juliet reflected that the flaking paintwork did n't really matter .
12 ‘ Perhaps I am wrong about you , ’ Felipe said softly as they went to the lift .
13 Nick clung to Carrie 's sleeve as they went through the door into a long , dark room with pointed windows .
14 He put his arm over Hurst 's shoulder as they went through the door , but removed it before the door was quite closed .
15 The savoury smell greeted them as they went through the door .
16 As they went through the business of the week together , Fairbrother noted a new lightness in the Prince 's manner .
17 ‘ He 's not ill , just scared stiff , ’ Albert said as they went into the yard .
18 As they went into the turn , however , they were spun by Bulgarians Draganov/Georgiev .
19 ‘ Do n't stand around , ’ Gwen said with a grin as they went into the kitchen .
20 As they went into the hotel lobby , he noticed that her make-up was a mask , crimson lips and fake tan and eyes dark as a domino .
21 ‘ Takes you back , does n't it ? ’ said William as they went into the church .
22 ‘ It 's a bit worrying , is n't it ? ’ she murmured as they went into the room .
23 Barry 's Mum got up from the desk as they went into the waiting-room , and put her coat on .
24 Again the parents were given encouragement and messages of good luck as they went into the Sheriff Court with their legal advisers .
25 As always , his knack of disarming was successful , and she was even laughing as they went into the foyer of the Tudor Queen where Sam and Anna awaited them .
26 He took her arm as they went into the dining-room .
27 It was at those times , or times like the present as they went about the health-care tasks that were now so routine , that she most often brought up the question of this campaign over Tom .
28 They looked at each other and laughed as they went for the top A and each found that no noise came out at all .
29 He started the bike , eased it forwards and suddenly they were tilting over as they went round the corner .
30 Mary McCulloch and big Mary went straight along to the Duke 's house with their loads of food and as they went in the Duke came out , dressed in a long plaid of turquoise blue , and had a quick low word with them .
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