Example sentences of "as he [vb past] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Within six days , on 3 May 1862 , the young boy died , Benjamin declaring as he applied for a certificate that he had been present at the death .
2 He had half expected a divine pre-emptive strike , a thunderbolt maybe , as he queued for the body and blood .
3 She watched him as he queued at the counter .
4 Once again he was aware of Emily 's gaze as he marvelled at the confusion .
5 And as he passed along the line , the men near him cried , ‘ Vive l'Empereur ! ’ afresh , and their comrades in the distance did the same .
6 The hijacker has told US officials he put the pistol under his hat and placed the hat on a table as he passed through a metal detector .
7 ‘ Georgina , ’ the Dean shouted as he passed through the hall .
8 They crossed over quietly enough , Athelstan smiling as he passed through the gateway at the far end on to Fish Street Hill .
9 He said how he had noticed the barometer as he passed through the sitting-room on his way to the kitchen where the meters were .
10 As he passed through the doorway , he heard his bus go grinding by the church and away up the hill .
11 As he passed through the light spilling into the inn-yard from one of the windows , a voice from a deep , shadowed doorway called , ‘ Hello , Seb .
12 As he passed across a cup of coffee , he asked Jim if it was ‘ going all right ’ .
13 Bragg asked as he passed over the lens .
14 Father Kipling stooped and said a few words to them as he passed into the sacristy to vest , and they turned round and looked at Clare .
15 As he passed by the city 's Queen 's Bridge a bullet ricocheted off a nearby wall as the Scottish internationalist dived for cover .
16 As he disrobed in the vestry , Quentin paused more than once , glancing at the closed door , as though expecting the boy to appear with his smile .
17 His arms and legs flew wide as he cartwheeled over the hood and fell in a motionless heap in the dusty road behind them .
18 Susan and I stood back as he splatted with a thump onto the steps .
19 As he observed in the report , if the Allies could ‘ plan for a better peace even while waging war , they will win together two victories which in truth are indivisible ’ .
20 The thunder of it drowned his voice as he yelled at the rodman up in the bows to hold the jib clear of the stays .
21 Alan Model , 35 , made the illegal stop in a town centre as he popped into a shop .
22 He smiled as he advanced across the room .
23 There was frost on his hair , on the fur of his hood , but soon , as he hacked at the tree , his skin began to glow and a fine , warm moisture gleamed on his face .
24 The momentary weakness had bothered her for weeks afterwards as she worried as to whether she had lost her professionalism along with the opportunity to grill Hugo Varna over the truth about his relationship — and Paula 's — with the man who had died as he lived in a blaze of publicity .
25 As he lived in the city , Mr Coary drove me up to the Noones ’ for my bag and then took me all the way back to O'Brien 's Hotel in Dublin , where I had stayed long before .
26 Atef Bseisou , the director of external security for the Palestine Liberation Organization ( PLO ) , was killed as he returned to the Hotel Meridien in Montparnasse , Paris , in the early hours of June 8 .
27 The colour of his neck faded as he returned to the table with the drinks .
28 Lord John smiled winningly as he returned to the table .
29 Mariana looked up as he returned to the living-room .
30 He became a little anxious , and , as he returned across the field with Cowslip , did his best to explain something of Fiver 's peculiar temperament .
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