Example sentences of "as he [verb] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Doctor stepped back from the device as Petion entered , but his welcoming words died on his lips as he saw the liveried servant who followed Petion in , a machete held loosely and comfortably in his hand with the certainty of one who knows how to use it .
2 Crossley 's mouth dropped open as he saw the taller man pull a gun into view .
3 He stepped back a pace , smiling broadly as he saw the young woman who stood before him , looking slightly surprised .
4 Ross 's voice broke through her unhappy thoughts , his dark eyebrows raised as he saw the half-empty wine bottle on the low table in front of her .
5 He moved as soon as he saw the first bead of sweat break on her pallid face , and then he was almost too late .
6 He looked up desperately as he saw the other assassin now approach , his dagger raised , waiting to strike .
7 Guy 's mouth twisted into a wry smile , as he saw the anguished uncertainty in her eyes .
8 There was n't the faintest trace of pity in his face as he saw the defeated posture , just a glimmer of satisfaction that his own plans were starting to go well for a change .
9 Bodie entered the gallery and sat down next to Cowley , grimacing as he saw the open-heart operation below .
10 The blue eyes glittered mockingly as he saw the fierce colour rush up her face .
11 He smiled as he saw the beautiful face in front of him , and for a moment he felt happy .
12 Chen stood up , a cry coming to his lips as he saw the bright flash of a knife being drawn .
13 A shower of jeers greeted him from the queue and , as he passed the last boy , who was just out of sight of Mr Gillis , a foot shot out , caught him on the ankle and down he went , sprawling on the wooden floor .
14 ‘ Coffee is it ? ’ asked the flying club barman as he observed the pensive expression on X 's face .
15 Abandoning herself to the overpowering intoxication of his embrace , she parted her lips beneath his as he ravished the inner sweetness of her mouth .
16 Senator Jaime Guzmán Errázuriz , founder and leader of the right-wing Independent Democratic Union ( UDI ) , was shot at point-blank range by two gunmen as he left the Catholic University in Santiago , where he had been giving a law lecture , on April 1 .
17 Newall was flanked by two officers armed with semi-automatic rifles as he left the Moorish castle that serves as the Rock 's jail for the opening of extradition proceedings .
18 As he left the underground car park , the driver of the black Mercedes parked in the shadows of a driveway opposite pulled out into the road , and followed the Golf Corbio at a safe distance .
19 He would touch the menacing batons very gingerly , withdrawing his fingers sharply from their hardness and flinching as he imagined the solid clump sound as a baton descended on someone 's skull .
20 As he smelled the smouldering frankincense , he would imagine his own body inflamed and his soul soaring from it like smoke .
21 Gabriel felt sick as he realized the horrible truth .
22 He had spoken the compliment as though he really meant it , just as he had the first time he 'd said it .
23 There he was , Prince Nicolo Sabatini , standing at the rear of the showroom , completely alone , his arms folded over his chest , watching her exactly as he had the first time she 'd set eyes on him , with such a fierce blend of desire and anger that her heart leaped into her throat .
24 He pushed away from the table as he had the previous night when he had lost his temper .
25 But Massingham had learned to discipline some of his prejudices since then , as he had the notorious Massingham temper .
26 another Gloucestershire winner at the weekend was Richard Phelps … there was no betting or prize money for him though … as he took the British title in the Modern Pentathlon Championships in Bedford … after running … fencing … swimming … shooting and riding all weekend he was just a handful of points in front at the end …
27 He no longer even mentioned his ‘ no stimulants ’ regime as he took the large Bell 's from Charles .
28 How could a man dressed in chainmail move so quickly and silently ? she asked mutely , watching as he took the soft linen in one big hand and carefully freed the material .
29 Because Set 's existence ended in a brief moment of agony , as he took the full force of Angel One 's flying hip-kick on his open upper jaw .
30 As Mansell , 38 , attempted to overtake , Senna moved wide to his left as he took the racing line in approach to the corner , forcing the Englishman to career wide and then off the circuit .
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