Example sentences of "as he [verb] [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ranulf studied the painting curiously and felt a shiver of apprehension as he saw how the sinners were thrust into hot ovens , cauldrons of boiling oil , or broken on huge revolving cartwheels .
2 Following on this sixth behind Gold Options , he ran in the Troytown Chase at Navan but showed little as he finished down the field behind Roberts Rhapsody .
3 As it happened all his discoveries went against the Peripatetic views , and as he advanced so the attacks on him grew , largely because the lesser ones among opponents saw their cosy lives of repetitions of dogma in danger .
4 She thought he appeared nervous as he wound down the window .
5 The manuscript had just been discovered in the uncatalogued recesses of the British Museum ; it was exciting work , said the doctor , but difficult : the manuscript was badly damaged and as he had not the money to go to London he was having to work from a smudged xerox copy .
6 In Aden Nizan had learned a simple and never-to-be-forgotten lesson : that to live one 's life , as he had since the age of twelve , with the sole objective of not being a loser was an inadequate response , since it failed to take account of the political and social structures which determined the real significance of such a project .
7 I did n't even look up as he went up the ramp into the street , so I 'm still not sure when he passed out of the garden and into the rest of the world .
8 As he went down the avenue her figure in its sky-blue dress was framed in the driving mirror , an indelible imprint .
9 She watched him through her fingers as he went down the garden and bent over the hole .
10 I rousted Thessy out of his bed with a cup of tea , then went to my own bed as he took over the wheel .
11 The following day it was revealed that Bering had chipped a bone in a knee during the race , but such was the power of his acceleration as he took up the running that he could hardly have been affected until the very final stages .
12 The Duke had cause for worry , yet as he strolled down the rue Royale he was forced to put a brave face on the desperate odds lest his enemies took courage from his despair.The Duke could also cling to one strong hope , namely that his scratch army would not fight Napoleon alone , but alongside Prince Blücher 's Prussians .
13 His heart hammered as he choked out the words : ‘ Drowning … .
14 He tossed her shorts away , then sat up and looked at her with desire-darkened eyes as he tugged down the zip on his own shorts and flung them away .
15 ‘ Must be a moral there somewhere , ’ he mused , as he ran up the gangplank .
16 Reporters and police rushed for cover , watching Janotte as he ran up the banks of a nearby gully .
17 The cavalry officer pushed a hand through his long golden hair as he ran up the house steps .
18 ‘ Silly cow , ’ he breathed , as he ran down the bank into the yard , ‘ she 'll probably go cold on me while I 'm buggering about over here . ’
19 As he sorted out the porter with amazingly fluent Spanish , Perdita noticed he was wearing a bomber jacket with US Open printed on the back .
20 As he leaped down the stair he was shouting for Farquhar Neas , and whisky to take a foul taste from his mouth .
21 Bodie nodded as he thought through the implications of that .
22 Store manager Richard Northover was dumped there by the two masked raiders who 'd kidnapped him as he locked up the Woolworths store .
23 It was a collection she had last seen in the hands of William Fosdyke , Signor Fixit , as he locked up the house after her first visit .
24 Carson hoped not , as he made out the shape of something like Liawski 's diaries over by the skirting board of the opposite wall .
25 listen to your language helper as he reads down the whole of list A
26 As he stepped forward the chocolate hackles rose on the cat , its mouth drawn back in a snarl .
27 As soon as he hung up the phone , he started to pack a few things .
28 The sharp cold , after his warm exertions , took his breath away for a moment as he hung on the stern of the canoe , but as soon as he had recovered his breath , the Commander struck out for the shore in a strong breaststroke that did not disturb the phosphorescence more than he could help , and barely ruffled the water .
29 And as soon as he got home the pressure was off
30 ‘ Ah , ’ Karl shook his head as he looked down the avenue .
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