Example sentences of "as to the [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 In Britain we have had little chance of forming an opinion , certainly as to the first part of that sentence , but as to the second ( ‘ the richest , fullest … ‘ ) it coincides exactly with my own reaction to her Wigmore Hall recital in London .
2 there was a growing acknowledgement in professional and related circles as to the new place of town planning in national affairs and its potential for post-war recovery .
3 10.2 No representation is made or warranty given by the Landlord as to whether any Restrictions exist or as to the permitted use of the Site or the Premises for planning purposes
4 Catherine Johns of the Museum 's Prehistoric and Romano-British department could not speculate as to the possible country of origin of the spoon .
5 And if we look to the people to play a more positive role , freely voicing their demands and hopes , their fears and grievances , as well as introducing ideas and initiating policies , it is surely plain that this can only happen in an atmosphere of the greatest possible freedom and openness , from which any taint of intimidatory anxiety or apprehension as to the possible consequences of speaking out is entirely absent .
6 The discursive mode of Amalgamemnon is also plausible realistically in as much as the future and other unreal verb forms are commonly used in news broadcasts to describe scheduled events , to make meteorological and economic forecasts , and to speculate as to the possible consequences of events that have already taken place .
7 The image of a miner temporarily , though doubtless painfully , incapacitated by " … superficial abrasions to buttocks … " , might raise a smile , but the following example of blasting injuries , however , leaves no doubt as to the possible consequences of being " shot " in the mine .
8 Considerable speculation exists as to the possible location of a new permanent site for the Modern Collection and suggestions so far have included the former Battersea and Bankside power stations on the south bank of the Thames and Canary Wharf in Docklands .
9 One slightly irritating stylistic point is the frequent wavering by the author as to the possible origins of various historical developments .
10 If in doubt as to the possible use of this technique , the user should collect enough data to plot a curve of this type .
11 Consultation with the next of kin has a further advantage in that it may reveal information as to the personal circumstances of the patient and as to the choice which the patient might have made , if he or she had been in a position to make it .
12 From these reports and maps , Brian who is a scientist , and was also a pilot , reached the following conclusions as to the actual course of events .
13 These rules deal with the requirements of English law as to the actual method of service and also set out the procedure for securing official assistance in the transmission of documents for service overseas .
14 Along with such doubts as to the actual results of liberalization , there was increasing concern at its socio-economic consequences , particularly over the evidently growing gap between rich and poor .
15 Compounding this , there is also considerable confusion amongst the heroin-using population as to the actual nature of the ‘ registration ’ and ‘ notification ’ of addicts .
16 There is some debate as to the actual role of SROs .
17 I do not propose to say more at this stage , except that I wholly accept the evidence of the surgeon as to the desperate nature of this situation , and that I grant the declaration as sought , which will include provision for the necessary consequential treatment in addition to the Caesarean operation .
18 Your article omits a further important strand to the debate over the past 15 years as to the optimal level of borrowing for firms .
19 The question remains as to the optimal method of obtaining a consistent estimate of the parameter on the change term in wealth over the full sample period .
20 These data must , however , only be taken as very approximate guides as to the probable distribution of causes of dementia as studies have not standardized the way they define and collect their information .
21 This is due to the huge increase in demand for credit in the last few years , primarily from the personal sector , as well as to the increased efforts of banks and other institutions to ‘ market ’ new ways of borrowing money .
22 He certainly held deep convictions as to the absolute wrongness of the Liberal policies that he opposed , but at least a part of his apparent hostility was assumed for the occasion , a hard line that might secure a better compromise in the end .
23 Alternatively , the purchaser may simply consider that there is a high probability of claims arising under the warranties and is unsure as to the financial ability of the vendor to pay for future claims or its ability to locate an individual vendor who for example , may emigrate .
24 As to the financial interests of the organisation as a collective unit , the choice of legal structure really depends on the extent of the need for external financing .
25 It is hoped that discussion of the problems faced by attempted suicide patients and the factors which should be kept in mind during their assessment will have left the reader in no doubt as to the crucial nature of the assessment procedure for such patients and the need for it to be done in a careful way by staff who have been appropriately trained .
26 The debate on whether insider dealing should or should not be regulated would appear to revolve around difference in moral values and differences as to the factual consequences of insider dealing .
27 Regarding differences as to the factual consequences of insider dealing , X may want to prohibit insider dealing because it harms Y ; or , because he believes that it is an inefficient means of allocating scarce resources .
28 The publisher will require the client to complete an enquiry form so as to be satisfied as to the factual accuracy of the advertisement .
29 I will seek confirmation from both parties as to the factual accuracy of any such memorandum .
30 As you know the authorities or control very very closely , as to the additional members of staff that come on .
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