Example sentences of "as i [verb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 My relief grew rapidly as I warmed to the theory .
2 Ricardo shows great patience with me as I reach for the dictionary or , using a book and his long fingers , he makes the rituals clear to me .
3 My eyes were shut most of the time now as I blundered round the park and when I opened them a red mist swirled .
4 He trotted breathlessly beside me as I strode like a madman through the snow , back to that accursed manor .
5 As far as I can tell , we have some sort of unspoken agreement that I keep quiet about not officially existing in return for being able to do more or less as I like on the island and buy more or less what I like in the town .
6 I can not do as I like in the house .
7 I smile at Ma and my sister as I totter towards the compost heap beyond the garden shed .
8 As I looked towards the right , however , along the other widespread arm of the building , something materialized there like a stain : light towards the dead dull end of the electromagnetic spectrum .
9 Here was the woman I wanted to marry , the woman I thought of every day as I looked beyond the cell to make plans for the future .
10 Sadly , my euphoria evaporated as I looked through the rest of the magazine .
11 As I looked through the viewer I had the feeling , momentarily , that it really was what I had dreamed about for so long , a sort of crystal ball in which I could call up everything I had ever known .
12 Now as I looked at the tree I saw that the great things had been there all the time but I had mistaken them for the background .
13 It 's added a certain anticipation as well to the placement job I 've been doing — ‘ Oh come on someone must have something to say ’ was a regular feeling/thought as I looked at the monitor in anticipation .
14 Something clicked as I looked at the number .
15 Paul was trying to catch fish in a pool as I looked at the thing .
16 We were halfway along one side of the ship , and as I looked to the left I saw Oliver about fifteen feet away , staring out into the Channel .
17 As I looked round the hut , I knew that the mysterious man must have a very strong character .
18 I can hassle for business contacts in these areas at conferences as soon as I get to a conference .
19 As I announced at the end of the trial , I am immediately doing two things .
20 As I stride across the plain I feel I have a glimmering of what it means .
21 The children , their faith reinforced , run down the hill to tell others of their good fortune as I stride up the track towards the forest .
22 As I waited at the King 's Stairs for my boat back to Venturous I was approached by two very splendidly attired and heavily braided Merchant Service Officers whom I had noticed staring at me curiously during the reception .
23 All kinds of thoughts raced through my mind as I waited for the explosion in our midst .
24 As I waited in the porch with the bridesmaids , I saw Shanti get out of the car , take her father 's arm , and walk towards us .
25 I felt the heat hit my face as I stared through the opening with narrowed eyes .
26 As I stared at the German with the white flag , I remembered ( as no doubt the five Frenchmen lying beside me also remembered ) a short time ago in Amfreville a small party of Germans had surrendered and , as the Commando patrol approached , one of the Germans had lobbed a grenade , killing and wounding several members of the patrol .
27 As I stared at the display , the reflections of myself and Mr Broadhurst in the plate-glass window came into focus as well , imposed over the vista .
28 The phone is ringing as I come through the door of my office .
29 I owe a great deal to my education many years ago , as I come from the background of a Welsh mining village , where a high proportion of us ended up with university degrees — a far higher rate than in many posher , salubrious , suburban areas .
30 I 'll drop the key in as I go past the lodge . ’
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