Example sentences of "as the [noun] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Gusts of rain and snow flurried through the opened door as the shape scrabbled on the floor .
2 As the storm broke over the High Street and a great fork of raw energy stabbed downwards , it struck the very tip of the copper spire of the Old College .
3 But as the lane turned into the metalled road , and Vitor remained mute , she cast him a glance .
4 We can calculate their relative preference for the Conservatives on the unemployment issue as C/ ( C+L+A ) , that is , as the mark given to the Conservatives expressed as a proportion of the total mark given to all three parties ( or multiplied by 100 to transform it from a proportion into a percentage ) .
5 ‘ At first I thought it was a pigeon , but as the feathers went past the window I realised it was something else . ’
6 As the story unfolds in the immediate aftermath of the 1976 Soweto Uprising , we see how two families , one black and one white , are destroyed — and the black actors are all South Africans themselves rather than US imports .
7 Outside , in the clear day , as the couple stood beneath the bell rope , a small box of confetti was thrown .
8 I quote that not to be complacent and not to say that , in this competitive world , we should not be striving , as the Bills outlined in the Gracious Speech help us to strive , for higher standards .
9 Save the horses ! ’ , as the chief splashed across the creek to gather mounts for the fleeing families .
10 A tense 40 minutes followed as the gang waited for the arrival of a security van , loaded with double Christmas wages for local firms in Blackley , Manchester .
11 There we all were , as the Clansman sped through the Cumbrian countryside and on into bonnie Scotland , all ignoring each other .
12 The fingers clenched jerkily as the arms flailed at the sides of the grave , tossing dirt aside in an attempt to gain a purchase on the soft earth .
13 There was initial disappointment as the Quakers slipped into the GM Vauxhall Conference , but then the fortunes of the club enjoyed a dramatic upturn .
14 Warming up by straight-driving Rajesh Chauhan for four , he then took 12 from one over from the off-spinner — an off-drive , a full-blooded swing over midwicket and a dismissive pull as the bowler wilted under the assault .
15 As the factors associated with the presence of these hypersensitive sites are not limiting , recent advances in in vitro footprinting ( 61 ) should permit the dissection of which particular proteins are binding to the DH site sequences indicated in this work .
16 Police were attacked and one vehicle was set on fire and others overturned , as the demonstrators marched on the local government offices chanting " Down with corruption ! " .
17 In the heat of summer , as the humidity rises to the barely tolerable and the threatening cloud formation known as ‘ Morgan 's Hand ’ hangs off the coast , thousands of tourists buy tartans and Pringle knitwear on the quayside .
18 ‘ I noticed , ’ she said , reaching out to touch him — and pulling away as if she had been stung as the telephone rang inside the house .
19 Here they were steam tested and carriage heaters changed as required and main pipe leaks marked up for attention as the vehicle passed through the lifting shop .
20 As the door dosed behind the routed Fiona , Celia thought she glimpsed the worried , ageing woman behind Georgina 's facade of gruff competence .
21 As the door closed behind the girl , Emily somehow felt that she had been bested .
22 Hari sighed in relief as the door closed behind the men .
23 As the door closed behind the Inspector the atmosphere lightened .
24 ‘ Dad — I had to come , ’ Harriet said as the door closed after the secretary .
25 But just before this moment arrives , as soon as the door closes on the porter , Howard notices the writing-table , and all the little giveaways which the management has arranged under the lamp — books of matches , a long-stemmed rose in water , writing-paper , and picture postcards of the hotel .
26 Straight up , as the Minister said to the actress .
27 The child may initially need to be held briefly on the chair , but the parent can release hand pressure as soon as the child settles on the chair .
28 We had no weather data for Viseu — it seemed that their phone number had changed , as the person looking after the field at Bragança tried to phone without success .
29 All the keywords can be left in the configuration file , as the parameter given for the keyword HCMAP dictates whether a volume set will be prepared for hard copy or omitted from the hard copy run .
30 Tabitha watched in diminishing triumph and mounting dismay as the Perk fell through the smoky air and struck one of the huge statues directly on the head .
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