Example sentences of "as they [vb past] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Once on board , I took a look below , where many men folk were as comfortably spread on the saloon sofas as circumstances would permit , and finding a vacant space sufficiently large to stretch my full complement of feet and inches on , I tried to fall asleep before we got into rough water ; but with the first movement of the screw , I was on my feet and on deck , having a view of the hills round Gairloch as they slept in the mist of night ere the faint streaks of dawn disturbed their repose .
2 She began to feel a little differently , though when less than an hour later they entered Ven 's hotel suite and as she turned , about to give him her polite but none the less sincere thanks as they halted in the middle of the room , Ven looked down at her and got in first with , ‘ Are you tired ? ’
3 The singer caught their quick look of recognition as they crossed in the doorway .
4 There she played most beautifully , pouncing on leaves and grasses as they blew in the wind , pretending to chase her own tail .
5 They married in June 1789 , and a month later , in despair and rage , he murdered her as they walked in the darkness to the Castle of Comfort Inn .
6 Lady Fairbairn said they were peppered with pellets as they walked in the garden of Fordell Castle , their home in Fife , Scotland .
7 She had seemed quite tranquil as they walked in the sunshine through the crowded cathedral square where spectator stands were being erected ready for the Easter celebrations .
8 This suggestion was , not surprisingly , refused by Mrs Thatcher , who , despite the fact that her Government used the guillotine in Parliament to ensure a jury can no longer have a say in the public interest , as they had in the trial of Clive Ponting , declared in a written reply to Baroness Ewart Biggs , that :
9 Across the water , the loud hailers were blaring and squealing as they had in the winter , when Tzani-bey had caught and herded the Order .
10 Consumers were not choosing efficiency and manufacturers were not improving efficiency as much as they had in the past .
11 In Danzig it was not possible for the Nazis to proceed as they had in the Reich .
12 As a middle-aged bishop he was reluctant to believe that miracles still happened in his world as they had in the time of the Lord and his apostles .
13 It was a source of satisfaction to him that his bridges found as ready a use in the civilian market as they had in the military .
14 The tape controlled the entire show , including all lighting cues , and the stage manager would have little more to do than read his newspaper and greenlight the girls as they waited in the wings .
15 As they progressed in the king 's confidence and service , their benefices became more numerous and more lucrative .
16 The sharp black eyes gleamed with interest as they took in the situation at once .
17 Yet , in contrast to official policy , Contact staff allowed users to come and go as they pleased in the centres .
18 He looked out into the roadway without seeing the rain beating mercilessly against the cobbled surface or the leaves of the trees dripping constantly as they shivered in the breeze , he was seeing the four walls of his cell and remembering his feeling of helplessness as the door slammed shut behind him .
19 A child was screaming in one of the flats , while two dogs were snarling as they fought in the wasteland beyond the apartment house .
20 The union of the comté to England in 1279 gave Ponthieu an administration in which Englishmen served , as they served in the duchy of Aquitaine .
21 Mary McCulloch and big Mary went straight along to the Duke 's house with their loads of food and as they went in the Duke came out , dressed in a long plaid of turquoise blue , and had a quick low word with them .
22 As soon as they got in the car and were clear of the port , the girl said : ‘ Can we stop for a moment ?
23 Whatever the anxieties of the superpowers and the world 's energy-consuming community , there were others whose concern was at least comparable , as they lived in the Gulf .
24 This sound , tautening to the pitch of a screech , interrupted Davide 's growing up ; it had frightened children like him as they played in the streets , but sent a shiver through them that also excited them .
25 She settled the old lady on a stretcher near the door , so that she could see the sunlit complex , and the happy holidaymakers laughing and shouting as they played in the pool , their conversations a mixture of Spanish and English .
26 The men of the relieving force , which was a large one , handsomely equipped with field batteries , were not surprised to find Krishnapur deserted as they advanced in the direction of the iron bridge .
27 They went for long rambles around the hills which overlook Balmoral and as they lay in the heather he read out passages from books by the Swiss psychiatrist , Carl Jung , or Laurens van der Post .
28 ‘ Both officers ’ corpses were molested as they lay in the morgue .
29 And when Cardiff looked at the upside-down dead eyes of that head as they reflected in the torchlight , when he saw the teeth set in a clenched and hideous grin … he recognised the face immediately .
30 In the first three months of 1993 , they bought a net $1.2 billion of South Korean shares , more than half as much as they invested in the whole of 1992 .
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