Example sentences of "as i [verb] up the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Only the young Swede and the attendant took a sympathetic interest and pointed helpfully as I gathered up the meatballs and deposited them in the ashtray .
2 I asked as I stirred up the tea-bags .
3 It was dark and the sea was rising rapidly as I came up the firth , keeping the bows in the direction of the flashing lighthouse on the White Hill of Vatster .
4 Declaring that he wishes to offer to the public ‘ the very Journal which Dr Johnson read ’ , he says he will not ‘ expand the text in any considerable degree , though I may occasionally supply a word to complete the sense as I fill up the blanks of abbreviation in the writing ’ .
5 So that is how he did it : as I fill up the blanks of abbreviation in the writing — with ‘ wd ’ , and ‘ wl ’ , and ‘ sd ’ , and ‘ J ’ , and ‘ Ld M ’ , and ‘ ystdy ’ , and ‘ Abrdn ’ , and ‘ Mntrse ’ , and ‘ Ednbro ’ , or some such ?
6 A series of falls hidden from immediate view follows the gill on the left-hand side and one May morning as I walked up the gill the falls were roaring after the heavy rains of the week before .
7 ‘ Once I hit the 2O mile mark I started to feel stronger and my speed picked up slightly , but as I ran up the Mall towards Buckingham Palace I discovered a new meaning to the word pain .
8 The guns a short distance away along the river bank were shelling the German positions as I started up the bagpipes in a fairly secluded thicket , the sound of the drones and the pipe reed easily drowning the noise of the guns .
9 The draft position paper goes sliding over the edge of the desk into the waste-paper basket as I snatch up the receiver .
10 As I picked up the knife from the rubble by the table I was waking .
11 As I clambered up the ranks of steep terraces , keeping an eye on my train time , early mist still clung to the bare mountainous knives of rock , and the mountain that the fortress itself stood on was festooned with dark trailing grasses like seaweed , adding to its otherworldliness .
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