Example sentences of "we 've [vb pp] over [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The truth is that for a weekly paper in something as effervescent and ethereal as pop , all that we 've done over the last 40 years is not as important as what we do next week .
2 The display we 've seen over the last night would have been quite average for Scotland and Northern Ireland but this far south in Oxford it was quite spectacular .
3 Another thirty Health and Safety proposals are on the way such as that on working time in the news last week and another to restore the protection for young people at work which we 've lost over the last decade , and just as important the union has just n not just reacting to what 's coming out of Brussels , it 's actually helping set the agenda .
4 We 've lost over the past two years or , two or three years we 've lost about 60 per cent of our biggest trading accounts through soft loans from the big brewers .
5 Is this a *true* reflection of the quality of football we 've played over the first couple of months … and are we likely to break Cov 's unbeaten run ?
6 I think bearing in mind the clear intentions behind criteria two and the concern that we 've heard over the last three days about inward migration , it might be useful if we tag a rider onto erm criteria two .
7 That is because of the way we 've behaved over the last two years .
8 What what we should be doing is make s making sure that we have er the negatives of all those drawings that we 've produced over the last ten or fifteen years , that we may need to use again .
9 With a view to er recording all the drawings that we 've produced over the last fifteen years .
10 Use our Best Buys tables , starting on page 150 , to compare the products we 've reviewed over the past year .
11 Use our Best Buys tables , starting on page 150 , to compare the products we 've reviewed over the past year .
12 This month , our Top Ten features the best 486SX machines we 've reviewed over the past 18 months , and it 's all designed to make your buying decisions easier .
13 er what we 've learnt over the last 12/13 years is that there is no records of wildlife care .
14 I think it 's it 's fairly reasonable particularly when you consider what we 've experienced over the last two three and four seasons .
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