Example sentences of "we could [verb] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We could try tracking it with this . ’
2 Whether we could risk using him in such a delicate area of research . ’
3 Further to the first point of order , is it an order for the press to hear about the proposed rise in prescription charges before this house and would n't it have not been better if the Secretary of State to come and made a statement and we could have questioned her about it .
4 any , any other sort of mouse I could have brought me mouse with me and we could have run it off the serial port erm it 's a pain that Amstrad mouse .
5 was a bit drunk one afternoon at about four o'clock and he said , ‘ If it was just an ‘ oul book we could have done something for you but with marrying this foreign woman you 're a hopeless case . ’
6 In the hushed , beaten dressing-room after the World Cup final , there was a united whisper — ‘ If only we could have done it for Goochie ’ .
7 In the hushed , beaten dressing-room after the World Cup final , there was a united whisper — ‘ If only we could have done it for Goochie ’ .
8 We could have done it on Renascia , because we knew where the stars where and what their names were .
9 We made the journey in three days ; we could have done it in two but we chose not to .
10 They could have easily made that to us the local planners who have to determine what kind of jobs go where and we could have discussed it with them .
11 Oh , we could have consigned it to memory if we 'd set our minds to it , but we did n't .
12 If we could have got him to a warm climate we might have kept him alive for a year or two more than we did .
13 There were moves to recast the play , but I wanted to stay with Ken and believed that if we could have got it into London we would have had a success . ’
14 We could have got lots of glossy pics in HMV and Virgin .
15 I could not help feeling that if we could have had him from the moment of the return of Civil Government Burma would have been in a happier and more disciplined condition , ready to see the real task which the nation would have to face as soon as its political future was decided .
16 Or we could have left you for dead .
17 We could have re-established ourselves as the football channel .
18 With the political will we could begin to change it from the time of the first by-election of the present parliament .
19 Half of us could continue to drown ourselves in usquebaugh and self-pity ( ‘ Here 's tae us , / Wha 's like us ? / Damn few/ All deid ’ ) , the other half could relax , relieved that the English would be continuing to do our thinking for us .
20 You tell me how any of us could have chucked him over the balustrade even if the whole lot of us got together to do it .
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