Example sentences of "we would [vb infin] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think we would engage in that sort of thing .
2 We would sink into each other as if it was the last time .
3 In Shakespeare 's time , Julius Caesar and other plays with a historical background were performed in what was then modern dress ( what we would recognize as Elizabethan costume ) .
4 The Information memorandum will only be released after we have received a confidentiality agreement and we would stress at this stage the need for total confidentiality .
5 In general , however , we would stop at this point and accept as an explanation that he killed himself because he found his personal circumstances intolerable and sought to escape from them .
6 These are businesses which have grown naturally because of a need that we have recognized and it is reasonable to suppose that if we have done the job right , and tested the external market to see if such services are not available to our satisfaction elsewhere , we would start with some sort of competitive edge .
7 She said : ‘ We would view with great concern any policy that limited the availability of families who can parent children . ’
8 " I wonder why your great-aunt thought we would go for each other , " Matthew asked thoughtfully .
9 The hon. Gentleman asked what we would do about that fall in employment .
10 We would conclude from this study that exfoliative cytology for biliary strictures is simple to perform , highly specific , able to provide a diagnosis when other methods fail and should , therefore , be carried out routinely .
11 In this respect Locke is not an empiricist : he does not think that geometrical knowledge or , for that matter , the knowledge we would have in natural philosophy if we knew the real essences of substances , is empty and trivial .
12 And Lord Wilson , who was in favour of continued EEC membership , said , ‘ I made it very clear , that as soon as this was all over , we would revert to strict Cabinet rules and collective views and all that kind of thing . ’
13 Erm but what we would say at this stage , is that there does n't seem any rationale behind the discounts that have been applied by by the County Council , indeed we have a situation in Hambleton district , where there is a seventy percent discount , erm which does n't seem to us to have been explained or justified .
14 Behind her back we would say to each other , ‘ She 's drunk again ’ .
15 I think it 's fair to say that with this new computer erm the box office that we 've got a lot of information can be stored on that and in future we 'll be using a much more erm sophisticated in a scientific way for instance if you came here and book that seat that your sitting in tonight we would know on that computer what type of show that your discouraging coming to erm we can say to you we can send you out a leaflet saying the kind of er things that you 'd like to see are on at the playhouse on such and such a date and we could even say to you would you like the seat that you normally sit in .
16 We would wait for any payment until Elinor was well again . ’
17 Thank you er er Mr Mayor , erm I knew we would get to that part of the agenda where .
18 Talking to other mothers I learn that , like me , they too were disgusted and we all agreed that next time we would ask for another consultant .
19 We would pray for fine weather as a prolonged wet spell meant ruin for our efforts .
20 We showed when we pull on the green jerseys , when the real chips are down , that we would die for each other .
21 I had a feeling that at the back of their minds was the calculation that , although we might lose in 1964 , the next opportunity would not be long and that then we would win under another leader .
22 All of us would arise in due course like Venus from the waves — shining , lovely , renewed , with sharp neat cuts , elegant waves or subtle highlights — or so we hoped ; it was an act of faith .
23 I think many of us would sympathise with that view .
24 Without their present powers even more of us would drive without due care and attention and the road casualty figures would soar .
25 Most of us would agree with any condemnation of such conduct .
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