Example sentences of "we have [verb] the [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Since the club 's formation in the 1930s we have reached the first round on no less than 42 occasions .
2 When each noun code is matched up with its appropriate argument ( e.g. when it is established that the boy is the agent , the girl the acted-upon , and the flower the instrument ) , we have reached the second level of representation of the sentence — functional-level representation .
3 We have reached the second round seven times and the third once .
4 For the journey we have selected the first class MS Caledonian Star , a perfect ship for such a journey , carrying a maximum of 150 passengers in absolute comfort — all cabins are outside with private facilities , one sitting restaurant , lounges and bars , lecture theatre and large sun decks with a swimming pool .
5 erm There they might have remained erm but erm a sensational discovery took place , which was during the Second World War , when , in the Blitz , a bomb actually hit the , the , the place of worship for the Muddletonians , where they were still worshipping though in very small number , and the man whom we have called the last Muddletonian , who was a farmer in Matfield in Kent , went out with his lorry — you remember petrol was rationed during the war , but he was allowed as a farmer — he took his fruit to Covent Garden , and then went to the smoking ruins of the Muddletonian worship , and filled his apple boxes with papers , and they remained there until the nineteen seventies .
6 For , once we have made the first approach to the Landshut Virgin and acquired a first set of impressions , the changeableness of the figure begins to work on us further , now less in the dimension of greater or lesser distance and more in the angle of view .
7 On May 18 Isa Kambarov , deputy leader of the Azerbaijani Popular Front , conceded that " we have lost the first stage of the war " .
8 Much work remains to be done , but we have achieved the first stage in gaining agreement to our approach in ensuring Hampshire 's future services . ’
9 Coun. Michael Carr , leader of the borough council , said : ‘ We have entered the second round of City Challenge with the same enthusiasm with which we approached the first , and I hope we enjoy the same success .
10 We have to find the next point of attack and be there first . ’
11 He acknowledges that ‘ to make it fly , we have to get the next generation of telephones sorted out ’ and says that the European Telecommunications Standards Institution is working on the standard telephonic layouts , displays and icon conventions needed to ensure that users wo n't be too bewildered by the options offered by their neighbour 's phone .
12 In only a very few pages , we have left the twentieth century far behind and discovered that these two descend from the Lombardic heroes mentioned in the Old English poem Widsith ( Aelfwin and Eadwin ) ; and since Aelfvin means ‘ Elf-friend ’ , we are not surprised to find ourselves drifting further back to the times when elves still walked the earth , before Numenor ( the Atlantis of the Tolkien mythology ) had sunk beneath the waves .
13 We therefore apply ( 2 ) with unc This gives for the solution of ( 2 ) unc Since the columns and rows are arbitrary to a scalar multiplier , we may now write unc ( for simplicity of exposition we have multiplied the first column on the right by 3 ) .
14 For this reason we have marked the 2nd cello part to be played by one desk only ( i.e. two players ) if the orchestra is large , and one player only if it is small .
15 ‘ A lot of us have passed the first part of our exam , and are working on the second .
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