Example sentences of "we have [verb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We 'll need to ask what we have contributed to the conflict which elicits the frustrated , rankled response from our friend , colleague , or neighbour .
2 We hope we have contributed to the debate surrounding human aggression in a constructive and novel way ; and that we have raised some questions surrounding a number of basic notions that have remained unexamined by both the scientific and lay communities .
3 Remarks ( i ) If the reader feels we have gone to a lot of trouble to establish a result which is " obvious " we ask him on what grounds he bases his belief i this result ?
4 In the British system of local government finance , with the wonderful inimitable reforms of the present government , er we have gone from a situation in which er the central government financed about , between forty five and fifty percent of local expenditure to a situation where the central government finances about eighty five percent , I think between eighty five and ninety percent of local spending .
5 The other holds that we discover what we have to say through the process of writing — D. H. Lawrence would support this view .
6 In view of what we have said about the suitability of particular registers for writing , you may be surprised that we ourselves are adopting a relatively conversational register in this book .
7 For all that we have said about the role of the country districts round — which applies as much to northern as to Italian cities — and the close relation , however ambivalent , of religious aspirations and the development of towns , it is in the end their place in the accumulation of wealth which marks them out in this age : they are at once the symbols and the centres of mammon ; in them gathered the moneyers who struck coin and the merchants who exchanged and accumulated it .
8 my Lord we have said in a number of places the claims are erm unlawful and we refer to the fact that the claims come out of the central fund bi-law
9 We have sent for a doctor .
10 We have monitored in the area and there is no hazard to health , ’ she said .
11 In this chapter we have pointed to the importance of coming to terms with the British constitution and constitutional theory since they are both in and about British politics .
12 We have highlighted the importance of recognising that the Constitution is subject to change in response to political conflicts , and so we have pointed to the need to study the Constitution ( and constitutional theory ) historically , politically and critically , with an eye to the tensions between things as they are and things as it is thought they are and should be .
13 We have relied on the fact that the charge distribution on cylinder 1 is uniform .
14 In old buildings this has become a problem , but one we have overcome by the design of modular cabinets .
15 We have to listen to the Spirit speaking divine things : and the way to appreciate his speech is to quicken our own minds with the life of the inspired images … .
16 In this mailing from the Office you will already see that a National Draw is taking place , this was planned 12 months ago to increase our income , now we have to rely on the profit to see us through the lean times .
17 Trevor Phillips , the council 's director of environmental services , said : ‘ We have to demonstrate to the public that we are doing something about this problem .
18 For example , in at least one rural area , we have heard of a tendency for professional people to send their children to the nearby town or another village school if they feel their own village school is unsatisfactory . ’
19 Only recently we have heard of the mushroom factory near Eye in Suffolk having to close down as mushrooms could be brought in cheaper from Ireland .
20 We have heard on the television that there will be another and there are lots of people who are in , in absolute despair , because of what happened to their houses and their properties and their furniture and everything else and I think it is only right and proper and I can only say that West Sussex County Council has by so many people that it has
21 We have heard about a planet called Vadinamia , where our stolen phetam may have been taken .
22 All the evidence refutes the nonsense that we have heard about the impact of the student loans scheme .
23 Mr. Wilson : We have heard from the Government at every stage that they are in favour of buy-outs .
24 Even if the election is postponed until July , the Government will not be able to maintain the line that we have heard from the Dispatch Box .
25 It clearly is not the case , that , we have heard from the city this morning , and in the city alone windfalls have been progressing at the rate of eighty per annum , if it was only half that rate over the next thirteen years we would see five hundred more houses , and that excludes windfalls from the rest of the Greater York area , excluding the city of York .
26 Does he reject the comments that we have heard from the Opposition which have much more to do with their courting votes than with human rights ?
27 To backtrack a little , the case is perhaps not so monolithic as I have implied : for which we have to return to the detail of Callinicos ' ‘ No ’ to Lukács .
28 We have cut off the head of that government . ’
29 They provide fragments of circumstantial evidence as to what we have done to the world in the last two decades .
30 Yes , we have done since the beginning , about erm twelve/thirteen years ago .
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