Example sentences of "we set [adv prt] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I arrived at the Castle early on Monday morning , and after a glass of rum and milk , we set out on the road .
2 It was once more about five minutes before we set out for the alleyway behind the Love Me Tender massage parlor .
3 We set out for the inlet , pulling a shrieking Maha , surrounded by the usual bevy of children and urged on by the boys , maids and especially the Youngest Son , who was always ready to tease and laugh .
4 The only thing left to do was to get him in to the government hospital seventeen miles away , so we set out across the rice fields and village tracks , with the patient in a bullock cart .
5 Following our appointment to [ nature of appointment ] and in confirmation of our recent discussion with … , we set out below the nature of the responsibilities which we undertake in that appointment and our understanding of the further services which you wish us to perform .
6 ‘ So we set out from the beginning to be ‘ author-friendly ’ .
7 As we set out in the truck which was going to take us the eight miles to Oakington , I was conscious that for once I was really looking my absolute best .
8 Although Johnson twice found the hillocky little town lacking — ‘ At night we came to Bamff [ sic ] , where I remember nothing that particularly claimed my attention ’ ; and ‘ Finding nothing to detain us at Bamff , we set out in the morning ’ — he yet managed to write a short exercise in observation of Scottish small borough architecture .
9 we set down in a passing-place and basked
10 Mohammed came with us to Taroudant where Aziz organised the Tichka end ( his patch ) and we set off for the mountains .
11 In the morning providentially we set off for the frontier , and there to my great delight I saw the familiar face of Mr Derrick Robinson , Rhodesia 's Assistant Commissioner of Police , standing beside a BMW motor car which was to convey me to Salisbury .
12 He placed his arm round my waist , which gave me a pleasurable feeling I 'd never experienced , and then we set off to the picture house .
13 With full combat kit , helmet , rifle and webbing , and weighed down by a thirty-five pound rucksack , we set off on a run .
14 My father always used to say , ‘ The holiday begins the moment we set off on the way . ’
15 Our 1963 Herald 12/50 was keen to get going , and at the allotted time we set off through the Borders and towards North Yorkshire .
16 Soon after breakfast we set off into the jungle .
17 I had acquired and learned to drive an old Hillman during the summer and , piling two tired and travel-sick children into the back with our parcels , we set off into the night .
18 There was nothing more to see in Main Street except the eternal fascination of boats bobbing in water as we set off past the ship 's chandler — and behind , as casually as an oak or a beech tree in England , dozens of the orange trees which had given the town of Anani its name .
19 Just after nine we set off in a taxi and dropped Rozanov off outside his embassy in Kensington Gardens .
20 We set off in the sunshine and quickly reached Snake Pass
21 And as we set out in the management letter , it 's a requirement of the audit commissioners code of practice , as we do report to areas of all the authorities that we deal with on an annual basis .
22 Cos Michael started it , he said we 're never said anything when we set off in the car , and then he said that he 'd had this fax from me and er Andrew said , well it was n't actually from , er , from me to the , it was fetched up to me and I sent it in the office .
23 Usually in May we hire a coach and about 50 of us set off on a 3-day , 2-night hotel stay .
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