Example sentences of "we will [vb infin] [prep] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 So this group of fifteen here that 's your five pound between you and then we 'll go onto the second group of fifteen people and they could have the second five pound and the third and the fourth and so on .
2 We 'll skip over the next verses for a few moments ; let's turn to another set of pages of the newspaper to see the message from the foreign correspondents about alliances — verses 14 to 19 .
3 Next week we start the second part of the course , our erm , our key as it were and we 'll look at the first one with er .
4 I 'm always saying , right I 'm going to bed now and you say you know well we 'll wait till the next one then , we 'll wait you know and it 's it 's it is really .
5 Even Robert Bakker , a paleontologist now at Colorado University and one of the most original and interesting of dinosaur academics , has not , I suggest , given the subject of dinosaur size as much attention as it deserves , and consequently many of his arguments concerning metabolism , which we will examine in the next chapter , remain fatally flawed .
6 Most beginners who follow the guidelines on filtration and stocking we will suggest in the second part of this article , will not have problems at this end .
7 ‘ How can they not understand that to do a real Kitezh or a real Ruslan — as we will do in the next year or so , it 's planned — is much more honourable , much more pleasurable artistically and much more important to the artistic world that a middleclass performance of , let's say , Rigoletto , in a small opera-house in Germany or Italy ?
8 Our fascinating day among the gentle giants is completed by a drive down to Los Angeles where we will stay for the next two nights in the Anaheim area of the city .
9 As we will explain in the next section , the results of priming experiments like these mean that any model of the visual word-recognition system must incorporate a level of abstract letter recognition .
10 ‘ Ladies , ’ he said sweetly to the class one day , ‘ before proceeding further we will turn to the next page .
11 Lastly it is most important of all that teachers apply the process of clarification to their own values and their own vision of education , and it is to this issue that we will turn in the next chapter .
12 ‘ Unless we move immediately into high growth , high technology areas our standard of living and quality of life will deteriorate and we will degenerate into a Third World nation .
13 ; Mij All twelve writers will come to a glitzy show biz type lunch at the Cafe Royal , hosted by David Frost , and that 's where we will know for the first time , who 's , who is the overall winner , the runner-up and the third place writer .
14 We will know by the first of April this year rather more than we know at the moment but you 're right it can go up and down , but there are lots of budgets in Social Services which are subject to this and it 's part of our job to try and manage that during the course of the year .
15 Late last year Chemicals ' chief executive warned of difficult times ahead when he said : ‘ I would hope we will come through the next six months or so without losing more than 100 jobs . ’
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