Example sentences of "we [am/are] [adv] going to be " in BNC.

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1 We are not going to be a loser ever again .
2 We are not going to be divided by class . ’
3 As Mr Major flew to Canada for talks on the crisis with US President George Bush and Canadian premier Brian Mulroney a Downing Street spokesman said : ‘ We are not going to be intimidated . ’
4 If we go into the New Year in 10th place , we are not going to be able to do it . ’
5 Before he took office in 1985 , Cerezo said , ‘ We are not going to be able to investigate the past .
6 But we are not going to be apologetic about our efforts .
7 We are not going to be in business long term , ’ Mr Crandall said at a dinner with the reporters .
8 Asked if he felt the cult leader , David Koresh , was manipulating agents , Mr Ricks replied : ‘ As far as being jerked around , we are not going to be jerked around . ’
9 But what we are probably going to be short of is money to improve training and to oversee examinations — people are reluctant to put money into the administrative side .
10 we have always got the bulk we are only going to be in Woking an hour .
11 ‘ As usual , we 're probably going to be late . ’
12 And finally what we 're also going to be talking about today is online distributed database management systems as we move towards enterprise-wide client server which we 'll talk about in a lot more depth in the following presentations .
13 Then he said dryly : ‘ We 're not going to be too hard on our Democrat opponents .
14 We 're not going to be able to go on as we are .
15 ‘ Well , I do n't think he 'll come back again , he 'll know we 're not going to be caught napping a second time .
16 We 're not going to be late , are we ?
17 ‘ But we 're not going to be beaten .
18 With the best will in the world we 're not going to be perfect first time round , so we 've got to have detection interaction mechanisms .
19 " We do n't have a blank cheque on this , " he added , " and if we 're not wanted there , we 're not going to be there . "
20 Erm but we wo n't , well we 're not going to be descriptive , we 're not going to ask say that you must wear suits or you must whatever .
21 We 're not going to be touching plastics , because the market is n't in place yet .
22 Now we 're not going to be able to go out and check where , which way that every pound is spent .
23 " I know in your secret heart you want to come here and live with me but we 're not going to be two old maids mouldering away together .
24 I do n't , I think we must do , because it underlines it 's it 's as sp , it 's been a slow spiral down for these people , and we 're getting now , very near to the bottom where we 're not going to be able to help any of them at all .
25 What we have done is we have erm been able to utilise some A C T capacity or generate some A C T capacity within one of the subsidiaries within the group um the reason for highlighting it highlighting it is not particularly to make a song and dance about it but is particularly to say that on the cash flow statement there is this in-flood and it is a one off in-flood we 're not going to be seeing that being brought forward every year , but basically what it is is we have profits in previous elements of the group which enabled us to generate A C T capacity enabled us to off set this A C T which we paid on dividends and bringing forward earlier than we would otherwise have done .
26 Erm and their approach seems to be where we 're not going to be able to get our budget through .
27 We should n't just think we 're not going to be here in two years time , it 's somebody else 's problem , they 'll take over our debts .
28 The locations of the hotels in Barcelona was probably the biggest form of complaint … but I 'm sure we 're not going to be called upon to tredisgn the Spanish tourist industry .
29 ‘ However , I 'm afraid we 're not going to be given much time off until we 've sent the Huns back to Germany where they belong , with their tails between their legs . ’
30 We 're not going to be here tonight !
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