Example sentences of "we [vb mod] go [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , we may go back to the situation in 1072 , and begin with some words of Lanfranc which provide the main evidence for the documents which existed at this date .
2 ‘ I think we should go through to the dining-room now .
3 All the actors are local people but the company would n't allow anyone from the works was to take part … she says , It was very disappointing initially but in some ways that makes it more important that we should go ahead with the project .
4 We are democrats and accept that until we have convinced people by the force of our argument , we should go along with the view of the majority of the organisations of which we are a member .
5 I thought that it was very polite that we should go there in the evening and assess for ourselves exactly the harm th the possible harm that it could do to their gardens at the back and and that 's why we did that .
6 It is a ludicrous situation and we should go back to the drawing board and start afresh . ’
7 I think we should go back by the paths .
8 We must go up in the loft and find your clothes
9 For the source of this we must go back to the Pythagoreans of the sixth century BC , whose cosmological speculations were based on the ‘ tetracys ’ , that is , the geometrical symbol composed of ten discrete points symmetrically arranged in the form of an equilateral triangle with sides of four points each .
10 In order to do so we must go back to the very beginning of society , explain the original trauma and then consider what consequences it has had for modern times ; for , as we shall see in a later chapter , an inability to accept the truth about ourselves and our societies is probably the most dangerous threat to the successful solution of our present cultural crisis and is certainly the chief obstacle to progress in the sciences of man .
11 But after making this admission we must go deeper into the question .
12 Nothing would do but we must go out on the river .
13 We 'll go right for the awkward ones and put an X and a Y in as well .
14 He was saying , ‘ Now we 'll go over to the bees , ’ and he went over and they were all lying at the bottom .
15 We 'll go up on the roof , ’ John said .
16 We 'll go up to the house and have a talk . ’
17 If she does n't , we 'll go up to the Union Workhouse , next week , and get a girl .
18 We 'll go up to the belvedere .
19 We 'll go up to the ridge . ’
20 We 'll go up to the house and I 'll fix it . ’
21 We went in the Gra Grand just done the lounge at the Grand and when we had our first car and I went round to see mother and I said come on , we 'll go up to the , take you up to the Grand and have a drink .
22 okay , we 'll go up to the Rose and
23 We 'll go up in the lift , alright ?
24 ‘ Now you 're here , ’ said Frobisher , ‘ We 'll go straight to the skull . ’
25 We 'll go straight through the presentations , and then there is an opportunity , obviously for you to ask questions or , and to join in generally discussion .
26 I said we 'll try this shop , I said at least have a look and I said we 'll go round to the other 's , I said he made he 's mind up when he walked in , .
27 Yes we 'll go round to the to get Do n't know what 's the matter .
28 We 'll go round past the stables and cut across the fields , ’ he told her .
29 Right well I 'll start today if you do n't mind and we 'll go round in the normal way erm when we come to Pat .
30 Then we 'll meet ye all at the Curragh Bar for a few good old jars , and then we 'll go on to the hotel .
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