Example sentences of "we [vb mod] [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Erm I , I 'd like to see what Peter would like to see actually , I think we ought to see the whole thing done in one fell swoop .
2 We ought to tell the whole story to Zacco. ,
3 He thinks we ought to have the softer article in from time to time . ’
4 But when he realised that we both wanted to do all we could to encourage the best art education for the pupils in the West Riding schools the barriers were down and we became friends .
5 We used to charge the top price for that — one shilling and sixpence a pound .
6 nearly thirty years ago , erm , we used to sell the old glass bowl fitting on er three chains , hanging from the ceiling and that , and I used to buy those in a crate of about fifty at a time , and er most of the houses had two lighting points in the lounge anyway so , and they 'd always wanted a pair and we used to have them in the shop on a display so that about eight of them could all be lit up at once and people could see them and if they did n't like those then the , we could always put another one under the set if we 'd got one in a certain colour , we could hang one of those up and er they could look at that and see what it looked like .
7 We used to embrace the comfortable doctrine that the Roman cities of Britain survived as the shells of walled towns — with cathedrals often built within them in the seventh and eighth centuries , but little other semblance of civic life — until English towns were revived in the late ninth century by King Alfred , who enjoyed a vision of urban life which could owe nothing to the English civic scene in which he had been brought up .
8 I mean we used to do the annual report because the R C E had to provide something to the General Manager
9 We used to do the live show that was never broadcast — it was just the bit after all the other stars have been on stage and mimed to their records for the audience .
10 We used to do the special classes , gardening and things like that .
11 I got so used , we used to go the same way all the time .
12 thing is too , at Christmas we used to have the erm , when we lived in Buxton we used to have the front bedroom where they , do you remember Paul , and the bay underneath it ?
13 We used to have the same problem with Shrewsbury .
14 In the summer-time we used to have the whole rib of beef , cold with salad every Sunday ; our joint was that .
15 Though we u that was over Stoke Worstead Road way , when we used to have the open air swimming pool there .
16 See like erm l l l lorries and all like that , caravans , I mean I , caravans , we used to load the small ones and er we used to have two bars go underneath with a bit of wood on top and we used to have one hand on one end while they cos that was a damn nuisance .
17 As social class is irrelevant in this case ( there is little , if any , difference in social class amongst our inner-city informants ) , the social groupings we used to approach the sociolinguistic structure of the community were the uncontroversial ones of age , sex and area , and social network was adopted as an additional speaker variable during the course of the research .
18 We used to share the same office and we can work together in the same environment , but not when we are actually working for the same clients , ’ she says .
19 We used to ma , we used to buy the scythe blade and
20 Also as very rare delicacy at times we used to get the odd pheasant , and the odd partridge .
21 And we used to pay The old man used to pay thruppence a week for the family doctor , you see ?
22 Through the United Nations and the European Economic Community we shall certainly be doing all that we can to encourage the social reforms — for example , the reform of land ownership — to which the hon. Gentleman referred .
23 At Club 18–30 Holidays we do everything we can to provide the highest level of service to all our customers .
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