Example sentences of "we [vb mod] [adv] [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 Remember , we are often drawn to the essential oil we may actually need at the time .
2 As actuaries we are professionally trained to make forward projections so we should also look at the future for our own profession .
3 we should n't look at the box
4 We should carefully distinguish at the outset between the dynamic ‘ comparative static ’ effects , and the conventional ( parameter ) comparative static effects ( though , as we shall see , they are in one sense intertwined ) .
5 I suppose we should really begin at the word strangeness because the word strangeness goes back to the late Fifties , early Sixties , when some people discovered particles more massive than neutrons and protons and these particles were discovered in the erm cosmic radiation , and they were also produced by accelerators in laboratories .
6 But I would say that we should obviously look at the financial aspect of the review erm dates , which might be yearly .
7 If to that we add both the structured dependency which was earlier described , in which social policies and practices discriminate against them in matters crucial to their well-being ( such as housing , income and transport ) , and the personal indignities of physical and social dependence , we must surely put at the top of our agenda for care a determination to assess realistically , yet sensitively , what is the best balance that can be achieved in the present circumstances of that old person .
8 We must also aim at the ivory consumers .
9 I 'm not saying that what I 'm saying is that that we must all have at the back of our minds a a sort of considered opinion of what 's
10 We 'll just looking at the big book together do you want to come and join us ?
11 Right so we 'll just look at the sort of er the negative side of not making the time that we get more mistakes .
12 We 'll look , we 'll actually look at the processes of deep water formation tomorrow , so you 'll actually see how the waters are formed , but the reason why this is high is basically the act of A , low biological activity removing it and B , the fact that the source waters have not come from below , they 've come in horizontally from an area where they were formed which was very rich in oxygen .
13 Oh yes yes oh well yes for a rum and coffee yeah , and I 'm afraid it was very acceptable on a winter 's morning , but erm now we come , we 've come on that side of Road , we 'll now start at the top of Road again and come along as far as er what I call Street I believe it 's now where St Michael 's church is , and you come to Sammy the butchers .
14 Well now we 'll now look at the second part of the er sales video as a help first and again give you an example , a flavour of how to conduct the next set of role plays .
15 The carcass , unfortunately , was in quite an advanced state of decomposition by the time we got to it , so we could not look at the detailed histology ( cell structure ) of the internal organs or the central nervous system .
16 We could only travel at the rate of the slowest ship , and once out in the Irish Sea were ‘ blacked out ’ .
17 We shall also look at the Cinderellas of settlement studies — hamlets and farmsteads , which have received little attention but are of immense importance because they are widespread and because they are clearly related to both the origins and the decline of villages .
18 Turning over the free endpaper to the next double page , we shall usually arrive at the first appearance of print , unless the publisher has been very free with his endpapers and given us some blanks .
19 3.2 Having already examined the prenominal attributive position in Chapter 2 , we shall now look at the next one , which we shall call simply predicative position , when there is no risk of misunderstanding .
20 Having examined the indirect approaches to selling , we shall now look at the more direct methods .
21 We ca n't buy at the moment .
22 Our problem is we ca n't get at the buyers .
23 ‘ So we ca n't get at the marriage certificate , ’ George brooded .
24 precisely Mr Chairman if I could answer that the , the , the once the inspector comes back to the Fire Service and reports again and he is due back in June , we will then look at the matters he raises at that time and he will look at the progress report er what , what has happened since his last inspection and then we will have the opportunity to look at what the Inspector has , has to say after his visits , not very far away er , their Chief Officer will go on with this programme
25 Thus the nature of local politics has changed over the post-war period , and we will now look at the way this has been analysed , to see if the debates within the social sciences have kept pace with material change .
26 Using the CRE dodecamer as an example we will now look at the energetics and structural aspects of B I -B II transitions and attempt to answer the question of whether any B II junctions can play a significant role in the solution conformation of this oligomer .
27 We will now look at the stages of entity analysis which are :
28 At this point we can either laugh at the absurdity of the situation or , more naturally , stand in awe of Satan and from now on find him a compelling figure , whatever evil he is about .
29 We can not sleep at the new night time , we feel tired during the daytime ( at a time corresponding to night in the time zone we have just left ) , and our appetite is upset .
30 It is expected that adoption of each of these programmes will be delayed and this in turn will affect dates for calls for proposals , publicity events , etc , although we can not tell at the moment how long the delay will last and the consequences it may have .
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