Example sentences of "we [vb mod] [verb] [pron] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 I 've a feeling we may need them before this is over . ’
2 We may learn something from this recession . ’
3 Right , now that 's what a decimal is a decimal is , that 's what a decimal is , and there are some people think we should write them like this , or you could n't , you could n't do this .
4 We must do something about this exhibition , ’ Jay said , with the very English concentration of one commenting on the vagaries of the weather .
5 We must tell him about this one .
6 We 'll do it like this , ’ they 'd told him .
7 We need an effective independent regulator , not the mafia regulating mafia and saying it 's quite understandable boy , we 'll let you off this time which is what happens now er with the Institute of Chartered Accountants er as a recognised supervisory body er in this er in this particular field .
8 The situation was changing so fast and we hoped we might find ourselves in this situation . ’
9 We could beat her to this one …
10 For example , if it was important to distinguish between a high level and low level tone for English we could do it in this way :
11 ‘ Maybe we could suspend them from this bit in the middle with a length of thread , ’ Norris grunted , sticking his head almost right inside the appliance .
12 I never thought we could see it like this . ’
13 I think we could let her off this time .
14 It 's like all good things to come , I do n't like to count my chickens , so I 'd rather not , not the little memorandums say , oh you 've got another X million , if only we could take them in this year .
15 And my God , again it was hard work , we used to put it in this hay chopper , pile it in and chop and it used to come out like chaff .
16 And a chain there and we used to tie her to this chain so that she could get into the box and out again , and then we used to put the cubs there first in the straw and then we used to put her there do you see .
17 We shall see something of this in connection with developments in survey design .
18 The point is not that companies are ideal mechanisms for making decisions which have important social effects ( in the sense that we would choose them for this purpose other considerations being equal ) .
19 We will encounter them throughout this book .
20 Indeed , we will need something like this if travel to other stars , let alone to other galaxies , is to be a practical proposition in the future .
21 There 's also want more money to cheapest in the country and I say good and I hope we can fit it in this budget time and I hope we all support this , for this .
22 Let's see if we can move them on this year so that they start to think it 's a charity I know I really want to support .
23 We can do nothing about this letter .
24 I will now entertain suggestions as to how we can rid ourselves of this horrible dog menace . ’
25 You know , we can add it to this bit .
26 We can take something from this game and be positive that we were down but came away with the point .
27 We can take it at this stage I think yes please .
28 oi Touch my sort out the Like to think that we can afford something like this .
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