Example sentences of "we [vb base] about the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No one fully understands the workings of these interlocking systems and we may forgive ourselves for having a sensation of something slipping through our fingers when we try to grasp them — but one thing is certain : the choices we make about the order of the information in discourse reveal our own assumptions about the world and about the people we are trying to communicate with .
2 He also presents us with a fairly strict unilineal theory of evolution , ( if we forget about the difference between the New and the Old Worlds ) .
3 Given what we know about the formation of new varieties of English in overseas colonies of Britain , we might expect a similar process to have taken place among Caribbean migrants living in Britain itself .
4 It therefore seems sensible to reject a strong form of the clausal hypothesis as inconsistent with what we know about the way in which the syntax and semantics of clauses is analysed .
5 Whereas , in a crystal we may choose the axes of symmetry , in an amorphous polymer there is by definition no symmetry and all we know about the atom in a chain is where its topological nearest neighbours are but not where its spatial neighbours are , except that they lie within a " van der Waals radius ' of the chosen atom .
6 Moreover , for all we know about the nature of thought , it might be possible , it might even be necessary , that the substances whose succession could continue a personal consciousness are material , not immaterial at all .
7 Another approach , exemplified by Vygotsky and Donaldson , supposes that children 's pictures — like all other aspects of their behaviour — must be interpreted in the light of what we know about the context in which the picture is produced and the culture in which the child operates .
8 For those of you who erm get a little er flustered at the at electrophysiological concepts , let me just erm begin the lecture by erm reminding you that when we talk about the current through a channel , all we 're talking about is a flux .
9 Yes Chairman , er under four one six performance , I think that we should n't er allow this occasion pass without complimenting the work of our road safety officers , where we talk about the reduction of accidents in accordance with
10 We must remember that , when we talk about the desirability of improving workers ' conditions .
11 just this mixture of ambiguity and feebleness I think , when we talk about the provision of an acceptable level of public transport , I mean it 's acceptable to whom for heavens sake ?
12 Now , another notion , we talk about the idea of bottom up versus top down processing .
13 So this is the first problem where w we , we talk about the management of quality .
14 Then we talk about the lady from Sawbridgeworth who said she get 's no incentive I get my incentive use by using my leisure card that lady gets no incentive to come back .
15 We talk about the stress in just a few minutes .
16 And it seems to me that this is so profoundly tragic because surely if we talk about the body of Christ there is not only a relationship of every limb and member to the head , but of every limb and member to every other limb and member .
17 Can anybody see the the paradox I 'm getting at when we talk about the libido in the group ?
18 ‘ I 'll talk about anything , ’ he drawls , so we talk about the strangeness of early Big Black — drum machines before they were sexy , lyrics about death , lust and decay ( generally in the same verse ) , and Albini 's acid guitar .
19 Consequently , when we ask about the autonomy of classes within the complex whole we are not asking about their ability — or lack of it — to make choices , any more than we would ask if a force of production could choose .
20 We know much more about the state of Chelsea 's teeth than we do about the state of the nation .
21 The eighties remains an enigma — already we know more about the rise of the radical new Right than we do about the demise of the old Left .
22 In short , how we think about the way in which psychological processes , like visual perception , are carried out determines how we study the visual parts of the brain .
23 Second , it demands that we think about the direction of time .
24 Integrity holds within political communities , not among them , so any opinion we have about the scope of the requirement of coherence makes assumptions about the size and character of these communities .
25 So um that kind of thing b according to Campbell may be one of the reasons why the Cleveland scandal was so scandalous was because it intersected with a number of cultural fears we have about the relationship between sexuality and the anus for some reason .
26 It would certainly include : the physical lay-out of the houses we live in and of the settlements of which they form a part ; the general pattern of conventional procedures by which foodstuffs and other necessities of life are produced and distributed and finally consumed ; the way children are brought up ; the way tasks are allocated to different members of the household ; the ideas we have about the nature of reality and of the cosmos , our sense of what is the proper way to behave towards kin and neighbours and persons in authority ; the kinds of clothes and the styles of language which are appropriate to different occasions , etc .
27 THOUSANDS of us complain about the size of our gas bill , but occasionally you may find your meter is wrong .
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