Example sentences of "we [vb base] with the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 " It has been dinned into the ears of our members without hesitation or scruple , and we repeat with the greatest force at our command that seamen , to whatever class they may belong , are false to themselves , to their cause and to their country in taking any course that may , even in the smallest degree , weaken the hands of those responsible for the conduct of the present campaign against the most ignoble foe that it has ever become Britain 's duty to tackle " .
2 I would propose that we explore with the Managing Director a possibility of a deal at the higher end of this range but this may mean some form of earnout .
3 We disagree with the whole basis of that argument .
4 What I can say in the former case , at best , is " This is how people tend to look when they feel joyful " or " This is the kind of physical expression ( or behaviour ) that we associate with the joyous state " .
5 It nevertheless seems clear that the brand of Whiggery we associate with the Walpolean ascendancy of the 1720s and 1730s was very different from that which had been predominant for much of the later-Stuart period .
6 The first two hours knock us into shape , however , as we battle with the boulder-strewn approach to Condoriri .
7 We begin with the short-term sterling deposit contract .
8 It , too , has the potential for magnificence and it is important that we begin with the logical starting point and create a lush playing surface to rival the finest in the world . ’
9 We begin with the first type of study .
10 Suppose that we begin with the competitive model of Lecture 6 , where the full employment equilibrium of the economy is determined ( we assume for the moment uniquely ) for given levels of capital and labour .
11 We begin with the 1870 Education Act which in many ways represents the beginning of the modern education system — but concentrate on legislation since 1944 .
12 It should be a totally integrated solution , both from the point of view of the accounting application itself , and also the way that we inter-operate with the other applications in a user organization .
13 And that is why we are now taking this direct route of saying , that policy and resources , as the policy making body of this council , should have some input to make sure that we in the planning committee are not the situation on a planning application when instead we deal with the moral issue of turning away people who need homes .
14 This situation arises in science whenever we deal with the macroscopic system , because the number of particles is always too large for there to be any chance of solving the fundamental equations .
15 is , is , in London and we deal with the British Section which is are the particular bits , but the prisoners have to be vatted and looked at and found by the International Secretaires , then they 're passed on to British Section who pass them on to us and a great deal of research goes into making sure that they really are truly prisoners of conscience , that they 've been in prison for some er possibly because of their belief or religion or their race erm and they 've not taken or advocated violence not taken part in or advocated violence and then , then they are full prisoners of conscience erm we maybe allocated them .
16 When there is any question of those materials being transported , we deal with the local police .
17 This argument may be exemplified by considering one of the mechanisms through which we deal with the everyday world .
18 Before we proceed with the political career of Dr. Williams , a brief history of national affirmation in Trinidad : 1914–1948 .
19 We er we concur with the General Secretary 's er when he said two years ago there will be four super unions by the year two thousand obviously that 's gon na be a reality .
20 Based on our research , we concur with the earlier observation that ‘ paraprofessionals who come from the communities which they serve have been found to be more effective in working with the people as they have close ties and may have insights and information not readily available to the outsider ’ ( IASSW , 1979 , p. 8 ) .
21 How is it that what seem like random discharges from a part of the brain that we share with the humblest reptiles can end up as the elaborate , coherent , cognitive activity we know as dreaming ?
22 If we start with the Financial Times well by their standards it 's not a good result er , but again let's get it in context , the newspaper 's trading margin is just , just under ten percent , it 's er it 's about nine point six percent er , and on the circulation front they 've done well in market share terms where we 've marginally improved our our market share in the quality market .
23 Tonight we start with the early years .
24 Following a ‘ bottom-up ’ analytical approach , we start with the smallest decision-making unit which uses land , usually centred on a hearth , involving a family , extended family or occasionally a larger unit .
25 We start with the three principles laid out in 6.2 ; VP , UP and MP .
26 If we start with the initial condition that I = O at t = 0 and at a later time t the current rises to I then the work done on the inductor is
27 We start with the myopic strategy : ( a ) output constant and equal to expected price ; sales always equal to output .
28 We start with the single node 0 , which is considered active , and set z large and negative .
29 There 's no hanging about here tonight it 's straight into the action from all the weekend and we start with the big match at Filbert Street , Leicester City against Nottingham Forest .
30 We agree with the vast majority of minerals planning authorities ( MPAs ) that meeting this demand would result in severe environmental impacts .
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