Example sentences of "we [vb base] and [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To the extent that we isolate and concentrate on phonic rules we seem to encourage only awareness of the surface features of written language .
2 yeah , they 'll be , and she 's always moaning driving Sue up the wall , why should I keep him blah , blah , blah , blah , doing nothing , we sit and look at each other and Sue said for Christ sake she said you 're twenty years old , not forty , she 'd been bad on and off again , throat , well she had the shoulder , throat er she thought she had , oh the diabetes was one were n't it , diabetes one , they thought she had , thought that she had glandular fever but she has n't and er , so Sue said to her well are you looking after yourself and she said yes I am , Sue said well I du n no she never seems to be , cos she 's never been well has she really ?
3 We look and listen with more attention if we are viewing for a purpose .
4 We demand that our work should be recognised for what it is — we produce and reproduce in other people and ourselves the ability to work and go on working , we produce labour power .
5 Is it how we respond and react to old melodies and memories from the past ?
6 And while we fret and writhe in bandaged uncertainty — are we a voluntary patient ? — we fabulate .
7 ‘ Are you suggesting we go and lie on that ? ’
8 Erm at the moment , we try and aim for three for each session .
9 So we dream up sets of rules , we try and live by Holy Books , from the Ramayana to the Koran to Das Kapital by way of the Bible .
10 We live and work with three priests from an order known as The Sacred Heart Fathers .
11 ‘ How convenient that we live and work in different countries ! ’ she taunted waspishly , disinclined to make his victory too sweet , total though they both knew it was .
12 I have learnt a lot from them and I recognise that we think and work in different ways .
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