Example sentences of "we [vb past] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It 'd be easier if we met my troops for the first time at the concert , ’ he said .
2 If we sold our lands to the Government , this is the way they were bought .
3 Er , now to move on to events that have happened since the , er , annual report was printed many of you will no doubt have seen in the press that the same time as we announced our results at the end of March that we agreed to buy , er , the Alton Towers theme park er , in Staffordshire , from John , for sixty million pounds er , the purchase has now been completed .
4 We reported our finds to the local office where we were able to borrow the official car to transport the goodies to Valiant .
5 We found their bodies on the street corner .
6 Even with such a drastic cut , we estimated our losses for the first year as being in the region of £148,000 .
7 During our last seven months , as we prepared our recommendations for the secondary stages , the officials of the National Curriculum Council under their Chairman , Duncan Graham , were rewriting the attainment targets for the primary stages , supposedly in accord with the consultation exercise and Mr Baker 's own proposals about grammar .
8 We cupped our hands against the window and peered out .
9 We opened our doors to the general public for the first time on Saturday 18th July 1992 .
10 We turned our heads in the direction the Brigadier is pointing and see a Commando about a hundred-and-fifty yards away towards the end of the orchard and almost obscured by the trees , making his way slowly in the direction of Scouse 's latrine .
11 As the oil-related traffic quietened down we turned our attentions to the Klondyke fishing industry in the northwest which was picking up dramatically .
12 We turned our backs on the reservoir and walked through sessile oak and birch woodland to ‘ Stop One ’ .
13 I asked as we turned our backs on the Pacific and began working our way back through the maze of walls and rubble .
14 We assembled our rods in the shelter of the old boathouse on the south shore and I strode purposefully to the loch , almost as a matter of principal .
15 Two hours before dawn , in the wavering beam of our torches , we followed their steps to the Flammes de Pierre and caught them , still cocooned amongst the rocks .
16 When we raised our heads above the desk there were clouds of smoke blowing across the chemistry laboratory .
17 We heard his boots on the stairs .
18 We spent our holidays at The Milebrook .
19 In fading winter light that seemed wise advice and we retraced our steps to the gentler landscape of Teesdale itself .
20 We retraced our steps to the car , and Gerry next drove me to a field near Dundalk where he said he could show me an altar used in the Penal Days .
21 If the mountain is beautiful from the shore , it is mouth-watering from the top of Ben Damph , and as we retraced our steps through the snow , elated at having finally swapped slippers for boots and crampons , we knew that nothing would keep us from it .
22 In fact you 've been downright unbearable ever since we finished your articles for the journal . ’
23 In partnership with a local fellowship there we began our outreaches on the streets of Budapest .
24 We collected our horses from the tavern and decided to skirt the city .
25 Then we collected our rifles from the armoury for our first lesson in shooting drill .
26 We expressed our reservations about the conditions attached to the pay review body — both the preconditions and the ability of the Minister or the Secretary of State to interfere at a later date .
27 The completeness of the oocyte test system led us to utilize this system when we started our studies on the requirements for formation of N 2 , N 2 -dimethylguanosine in position 26 ( m 2 G26 ) in yeast tRNAs .
28 They played the Canadian anthem and we waved our flowers at the crowd .
29 We switched our rings from the fourth finger of the left hand to the fourth finger of the right .
30 Undaunted , we crushed our bodies against the stone and eased ourselves up and over .
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