Example sentences of "we [modal v] [adv] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 We seldom read in the tabloid press local police force fails er we may frequently read in the local press in the tabloid press rather , that the Home Secretary has failed and yet what we seem to be saying is that we believe that all the responsibility should be local , all that responsibility , all the blame when things go wrong should go to the Home Secretary .
2 Every separatist movement in Europe that I can think of bases itself on ‘ ethnicity ’ , linguistic or not , that is to say on the assumption that ‘ we ’ — the Basques , Catalans , Scots , Croats , or Georgians are a different people from the Spaniards , the English , the Serbs or the Russians , and therefore we should not live in the same state with them .
3 You were just saying , you know , that we should just walk in the streets and things like , but I would just not walk out in the streets at night , I 've got to be in the car with the doors locked and , and I just would n't walk out in the streets at night , not because any thing has happened to me , but its just through what I 've heard , I 'm just terrified .
4 We should n't stand in the way of the forces of justice , should we , Inspector ? ’
5 Subject to this constraint and the firm 's other technical standards we must always act in the best interests of our client .
6 Well they might be a friendly , oh I do n't really know but er he 's so busy you see and he 's busy all kinds of day and night , now then , we asked him a while ago to be more careful when he was switching on the freezer units at night because they were waking people up , we asked him er a while ago if he 'd be more careful learning up at six o'clock in the morning because the chain and that we could n't sleep in the morning like , and all disturbing us all like that
7 After going out manicuring she started spending Sunday afternoons in bed and we could n't stay in the house nor play on the doorstep for fear of disturbing her .
8 We could always engage in the Rawlsian form of argument and apply it to the new information once it becomes available .
9 He is on fire , and I believe we shall both drown in the heat , and I believe neither of us would care if we did …
10 Does he not realise that unless he is prepared to be more imaginative — for instance , with schemes for converting mortgages to rents — we shall not avoid in the new year thousands of families facing misery , a further plunge in house prices and serious damage to the economy ?
11 Would he agree to support a review of the Reserve Forces Safeguard of Employment Act 1985 so that we shall not have in the future the rash of litigation that has been needed against employers who have declined to accept reservists back since the Gulf war ?
12 This holistic , comprehensive , catholic approach ( whose history we shall briefly review in the next chapter ) is usually called ‘ functionalism ’ or ‘ structural functionalism ’ .
13 It is important however to dispel the ‘ big push ’ theory of change — that all we need is one last great effort to climb the next hill or round the next corner and we shall then arrive in the promised land of milk , honey and stability !
14 We would sooner play in the lowest league than merge with anyone , ’ he declared .
15 If the weather was fine and we wanted to be out in the mountains , then we would only work in the evening .
16 We should not be prepared to see developments that are much larger or more isolated than we would ever tolerate in the statutory services and doing things like " mixing up " clients that would statutorily no longer be tolerated .
17 The image — summoned by a narrator whose exhausted dreams are filled with girls — is like nothing we would ever meet in the literal Levi .
18 We ca n't sleep in the door .
19 It can be , yeah we had a stop for lunch , we had to have cups of tea , we had to go to ou , out the back and have a fag cos we ca n't smoke in the office .
20 Then a number of things we ca n't follow in the fossil record , but we know must have happened .
21 We will move through a period now that we call death , but we will not die in the sense of annihilation .
22 The Handel Suites are also under discussion and we will also take in the complete Beethoven concertos and the Choral Fantasia and the Diabelli Variations which , together with Bach 's Goldberg , represent the greatest of all keyboard variations .
23 Even ‘ going crazy ’ involves the following of certain conventions and restrictions , as we will further elaborate in the next chapter .
24 We will definitely meet in the New Year , ’ she says .
25 ' ’ My mother says , As we can not call in the gods , quis custodiet ?
26 If we can not help in the analysis of concrete problems , we should keep our mouths firmly shut .
27 Holding a child responsible is not the same as making her responsible ; we may succeed in the former , without her cooperation we can never succeed in the latter .
28 We can perhaps include in the category of semantic indicator such cases as the dis — of disappoint , disgust , dismay , etc. , and the im — of impertinent , impudent , etc. , if the former is felt to be related to the dis — of dislike and disapprove , and the latter to the im — of impolite ; the segments — appoint , — gust , — may , — pertinent and — pudent have no discernible semantic function , and do not need a label .
29 ‘ In Britain there is a great willingness to work ecumenically and a longing to find ways that we can actually share in the tasks that there are within the country .
30 Er because neither of us could really manage in the kitchen it was not long before we became very tired of having to eat convenience food sad looking old meat pies , dried out chips and heated up frozen vegetables soon palled .
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